Headmaster's Message

Headmaster's Welcome

Dear Parents

Welcome back to school at the start of the second half of Michaelmas Term.  I hope that everyone enjoyed the half term break with, hopefully, some time spent together as families.  School remained open during the break with holiday club taking part in many different activities and visits to some exciting local attractions. I was delighted with the improved offering and program. Well done to Ms Osborn and her team. Bookings will soon be open for the Christmas holiday club so please try to keep a look out for this as we were full to capacity on most days during half term.

We have welcomed two new members of staff to school this week; Ms Holt has joined the School Office and Mr Johnson is now a member of the After Care team.  Both Ms Holt and Mr Johnson are familiar with school and we welcome both of them to the Crackley Hall staff team; I am sure that you too will make them feel very welcome should you see them this term.  We are also currently advertising for a Nursery Practitioner and would be delighted to hear from individuals who may be interested in this role.  Further details can be found on the school website.

This week, the whole school has been involved in Vocations Week which has been organised by Mrs Jackson-Mayne.  There has been a busy timetable of visits by parents, guide dogs, the local police and fire fighting team and the children have been very excited to learn about the different vocations, skills and careers.  I am grateful to everyone who has given their time to share their knowledge with the children and especially to Mrs Jackson-Mayne for organising such an insightful week.  I have heard about the many highlights including hearing the sirens on the police car, people meeting Stanley the tortoise and the very calm guide dog that attracted the attention of so many this morning.

I welcomed Father Kevin into school on Tuesday when we celebrated All Saints Mass and it was super to gather all the children together once again.  Thank you to Father Kevin, Mrs Jackson-Mayne, Mrs Olden, Ms Holmes and Mrs Simmonds for their help assisting with the preparations for Mass. The Junior 3H pupils helped lead the Mass is such a worshipful and professional manner.

Yesterday, Mrs and Mr Vaughan and Miss Broadbent accompanied a group of Junior 4, Junior 5 and Junior 6 children to Walsall Gala Baths when they participated in the ISA Swimming Gala.  I am delighted to report that everyone performed to the best of their ability which resulted in lots of children being placed in the top 8 for their age and discipline. Congratulations to Theo for qualifying for the national finals.  You will be able to read more about the results later in this edition.  Congratulations to everyone who was involved and thank you to Mrs Vaughan for organising this event.

Many of our Junior 6 will be visiting Princethorpe College tomorrow morning when then sit the Entrance Examination.  Whilst I am sure that there could be nerves (from both parents and children), I know that the children have been well prepared and I have faith that you will all try the best that you can.  Trust in yourself because we all believe in you.  There have been, and will be a few more entrance examinations taking place, and for that reason the traditional activities week has been postponed until later this term.

During assembly this morning I presented certificates to our Stars of the Week: August, Anna, Teddy, Cole, George, Olivia, Teo, Hanna, Charlie, Jessie, Sienna F, Elora, Seb and Nell. It was lovely to award a number of Junior da Vinci too.  Congratulations to everyone on your efforts!  Leani in Junior 6 sang most beautifully at assembly this morning; it was a privilege listening to her.

Next Tuesday, we will be hosting a Choral Day when musicians from Junior 5 and 6 at Crescent School will join us for a day of music making.  This will culminate in a concert at the end of the afternoon which I am very much looking forward to hearing.

There will be some interesting rugby matches this weekend as we start the Autumn Internationals.  South Africa will find it very difficult against Ireland, who are rated as the best team in the world at the moment.  The T20 men’s cricket world cup is in full swing, with the semi-finalists to be decided this weekend.  South Africa and England are both in with a shout of making the semi-finals.  There are so many strong teams, with India, Pakistan, New Zealand and Australia all capable of beating any team on their day.

Throughout November, please do remember, in your prayers, all souls and those who lost their lives in wars over the ages. I hope everyone has a restful weekend and that there is some good weather to look forward to.

God bless,

Rob Duigan