Learning In Action

Junior 6

This week, Junior 6 have been investigating circulation and finding out how and why the blood is pumped around the body. The Junior 6 children became blood cells for a lesson, travelling in a figure of eight circulation between the heart, lungs and body, becoming oxygenated and deoxygenated as they travelled. Their heart then began to pump faster, emulating exercise, so the blood cells had to circulate more quickly in order to keep up with the body’s demands. We successfully kept the body alive!

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Junior 5

We all had a lovely half-term break and bustled into school on Monday chattering non-stop about our adventures with family and friends during the holidays. The children were welcomed back with warmth and smiles from a refreshed staff who also shared some of their stories. It was fantastic to see that so many of the children in Junior 5W had gone the extra mile to complete the history Junior di Vinci project set by Mrs Allen. The range of work produced was exceptional and the children clearly used their brilliant creative talents. We can’t wait to hear what Mrs Allen thought of them!

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Junior 4

Junior 4 have worked creatively on their tea boxes, having made their very own bespoke tea, which tied in with the theme of their class novel - Cloud Tea Monkeys. They used an array of ambitious vocabulary to advertise their tea, hooking their buyers in with a range of rhetorical questions and offers which they couldn’t possibly refuse! The tea boxes were adorned with vibrant and artistic labels. Instructions and ingredients were also added to further tempt potential buyers. All of Junior 4 worked thoroughly hard on this task - well done!

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Junior 3

Junior 3H are back, fully refreshed from the half-term break and ready to show plenty of incredible focus and determination.

We are exploring different ways to subtract numbers using trusty Base Ten, part whole diagrams and Ms Holmes favourite..,.the bar model. We're picturing sweets being eaten, cakes being consumed and chocolates being devoured as we 'take away' with passion and resilience. Progress is the order of the day and we are loving the challenges set.

In Science, our exploration of skeletons and muscles draws to a close with a new-found interest in keeping fit and healthy. A 'humerus' end to the week. See what we did there.....?

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Junior 2

This week the children have had great fun participating in activities for Vocations Week. We got to meet police officers and had a tour of a police car. Children took part in a Hot Seat exercise and gained great knowledge and facts. Professionals included a solicitor, barrister, pet sitter, doctor, early year practitioner, IT analyst and a pilot.

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Junior 1

After a restful half-term, Junior 1 came back full of beans and raring to go. This week was Vocations week and Junior 1 were delighted to have the opportunity to meet with several different people who talked to them about their interesting jobs. They met with the Police, Firefighters, an Environmentalist, a Councillor and even a Pet Sitter who brought along her pet tortoise called Stanley! Father Kevin also spoke about his calling to become a priest from an early age when we celebrated Mass for All Saints' Day. This came just after everybody had the opportunity to meet with the saint for their Houses, during a question-and-answer session. Junior 1 were also asked to make donations to the local food bank this month, and we have been thrilled to see how generous our pupils and parents are.

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This week, Reception have been learning about bonfire night. They have made their own edible sparklers and have enjoyed creating their own firework art work, squeezing and flicking paint and making rockets. They have also talked about how to stay safe on bonfire night in preparation for the weekend.

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