School Uniform Name Labels - Help Boost PTA Funds

Please find attached a leaflet from Stamptastic which gives details of how you can purchase labels to make naming your child's uniform really easy.

We know that school are struggling with the amount of unnamed lost property and this is a very easy way to help them to return your child's expensive uniform to you whilst also boosting PTA funds.

For every order, the PTA receive 20-30% cashback - please quote the code CRACKLEY1. 

PTA Facebook

Did you know you can find us on Facebook?  Search CRACKLEY HALL PTA to keep up with our events and what we are doing to help enhance your child's experience at Crackley Hall.

200 Club - Two More Weeks to Join!

Two more weeks to take part before our October Draw.  

We have had a few people ask to join the 200 club and have extended the annual enrolment until the end of October. For £50 you will be entered into a monthly draw from October to July for a chance to win £100, £75 or £50.

We absolutely love giving back to the families, enrolment via the link below:

200 Club

Good luck!

Dates For Your Diary

Please see the attached dates for your diary. We also have a Facebook page - Crackley Hall PTA, please join us to keep an eye upcoming events. 

Christmas Jumper Appeal

The PTA would like to offer period costumes and Christmas jumpers to families when needed throughout the year, aiming to offer a cheaper and more environmentally friendly alternative to buying new!

As each year group will experience a period day at Crackley Hall, we are starting to build our collection of costumes/jumpers.

We are, therefore, looking for the following donations please:

  • Christmas jumpers
  • Nativity clothing
  • Victorian Day clothing
  • Tudor Day clothing
  • Roman Day clothing
  • Stone Age clothing

As always, we really appreciate your help to make this resale successful for the families at Crackley Hall. All clean clothing can be dropped off at the front porch where the Second Hand PTA uniform box is located.



PTA Monthly Coffee Days - Please Note Change Of Venue

Thank you to everyone who attended the October Coffee Day earlier this week.

We look forward to seeing you next month, Monday 7 November at 2pm. As always we look forward to meeting new faces, it's a great way to meet other new parents too.

Do please note the recent change of venue.


PTA Second Hand Sports And Uniform

We now have many sports and uniform items back in stock. If you have any orders you would like to place, please email - we are volunteer run and aim to get back to you within seven days.

We are also always looking for donations of items your child has outgrown. Please drop these in the box labelled ‘PTA uniform’, located in the front porch of the school. 

As always, we thank you for your support and couldn’t run the second hand shop without your generous donations. 

We would also like to say a huge THANK YOU to our PTA members in charge of the second hand uniform shop who work so hard for us all!


Easy Fundraising

Crackley Hall PTA - Kenilworth needs your help!

Sign up to easyfundraising and raise FREE donations every time you shop online with over 6,000 retailers. John Lewis, Argos, Uswitch, eBay and many more are waiting to give a free donation.

Plus, once you’ve signed up and raised £5 in donations, easyfundraising will give us an extra £5 bonus donation!

Sign up to support us here – Easy Fundraising