
Learning in RE

Monday School Assembly

Mrs Glen-Roots led Monday's School Assembly and she spoke about St Francis of Assisi and how he is the Patron Saint of animals. His preaching was about giving thanks for the good things God has given to us, using them and enjoying them for what they are, all the while keeping our hearts free to love and serve God before anything else.  We also learnt that St Francis established the Franciscan Order and he was born in Italy and grew up leading a privileged life as the son of a wealthy cloth merchant. The school listened to the hymn about peace-making attributed to St Francis - 'Make me a Channel of your Peace' - which was also sung at the school mass on Wednesday.


The Harvest Mass was led beautifully by Junior 4S this week. Each child was awarded a Crackley Compass Star for being organised and involved. The pupils read with clarity and understanding. The singing was particularly powerful this week – we sang the Our Father for the first time, accompanied by Josh Burley on the drums and Isabella Olden on the trumpet. The new Chamber Choir made their debut with You Are My Shepherd at the Communion Reflection. It was a very moving Mass, to celebrate the Feast of St Francis and thank God for our world and the food it yields.

Walk of Faith

Pupils in Junior 4 are taking part in a Walk of Faith on Monday – look out for pictures next week. Pupils will be outside so definitely need a coat and need to come to school in their PE Kit.

Collective Worship

Classrooms rang out this morning with pupil led Collective Worship. It is wonderful to see the pupils engaging others with songs, actions, games and presentations to get their message across. This week the older pupils were looking at Resilience and the younger pupils were finding out what God said about Love in the Bible.

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Weekly Mission

Please click on the link below for this week's weekly mission:

Weekly Mission



Children’s Liturgy

Please find information below:

Children's Liturgy

Jesus healed ten men, but only one of them came back to say thank you. We consider the importance of thanking God for all the wonderful things He has done for us.

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