Headmaster's Message

Headmaster's Welcome

Dear Parents

This week I have been fortunate to attend The IAPS Heads Conference in Scotland which focussed on Enlightened Education.  It has been a most interesting and indeed ‘enlightening’ few days and I will be able to apply much new learning upon my return. 

Before I left for Scotland this week, I welcomed parents into school on Monday afternoon to attend an Online Safety Meeting which was hosted by Mr Cottrill, Mrs Malcolm and Mr Compton.  The meeting covered various aspects of online safety when children are using handheld devices or computers.  As many parents were unable to attend this meeting, a recording has been sent to all parents which I hope you will find helpful. The online dangers confronting our children are very real, and especially so where parents and teachers are complacent in thinking that they are ‘cyber savvy’. We need to remain vigilant and responsible at all times. 

On Wednesday, our Reception classes were visited by a representative from the Road Safety team.  This was a valuable lesson reminding the children how to stay safe near roads and this session will be repeated next week for our Junior 1 classes.   

We welcomed Father Kevin into school on Wednesday for the Harvest Mass and we were able to show him the collection of food that has been gathered in a short space of time by some of our classes.  There has been a collection today which will make its way to the local food banks and help many families.  Thank you to Father Kevin, Mrs Jackson-Mayne and everyone who has contributed so far to our harvest collection.

I am grateful to Mrs McAloon who hosted assembly this morning, I understand that the performance by our orchestra and chamber choir was simply outstanding.  I believe there is a recording which I look forward to watching upon my return.  Congratulations to the Stars of the Week who were: Monty, Avni, Tianna, Nirvair, Ciara, Lewis, Beatrice, Hector, Harriet, Henry, Elsie A, Sukhmani, Eve and Penny.  I have been able to read your certificates which were presented today and you should all be very proud of your achievements this week.

Next week is the last week before half term and a busy week is planned.  There are several events taking place, with Junior 2 visiting Warwick Castle, Junior 4 involved in a Faith Walk, Junior 1 visiting St John’s Museum and a some of our students attending a maths challenge which is to be held at Princethorpe College.  On Tuesday, individual and class photographs will be taken by Gillman and Soame.  Children should arrive at school in full uniform for these photos and, if available, wearing winter uniform.  All children should please wear their winter uniform when we return to school after half term.  Another opportunity will be provided for photographs after half term if your child is not able to attend school next Tuesday, due to illness or attending a Year 7 entrance examination.

Online pupil progress meetings will take place on Wednesday and Thursday next week.  If you have not yet booked an appointment, this can be completed by accessing My School Portal and the booking system will close on Sunday afternoon.  Any changes after this date will need to be made by the school office. Due to the number of appointments each evening, these meetings have a limited time allocation and parents are invited to make follow-up appointments with staff if necessary.

I have learned today that the total raised at last week’s Macmillan cake sale was just under £560.  This is a terrific amount and I know that some of the left-over cakes were gratefully received by the local foodbanks.  Thank you to the PTA for overseeing this event and for everyone to contributed.   There will be a non-uniform day next week and we will not be asking for a donation on this occasion, it is simply a chance for the children to wear their own clothes as they enjoy the last day of this half term.

I would like to wish everyone a restful and happy weekend.

God bless