Dates For Your Diary

Please see the attached dates for your diary. We also have a Facebook page - Crackley Hall PTA, please join us to keep an eye upcoming events. 

Crackley Hall Cookbook - Further Action Needed

Deadline Sunday 25 September 2022

We would like to thank you for your patience with the much anticipated Crackley Hall Cookbook. As you may know we received many recipes and pictures of your children cooking their favourite dish last term. Unfortunately, over the summer we encountered a technical problem with our supplier and have had to change to a new one. The good news is the Cookbook will be delivered to you by the end of October and just in time to make wonderful Christmas gifts for loved ones. The PTA have also decided to reopen the facility, for any children who didn't get a chance last term, to submit their recipes, including new families from Nursery to Year 6. We have so many families from around the world and encourage you to submit a national dish or heritage recipe that is close to your heart. 

FURTHER ACTION NEEDED: Due to changes in the new suppliers' format, they have made it easier to stay with exact formatting by using the link (below) to upload your recipes and picture. By submitting a photograph to the link, you will be consenting to this image appearing in the cookbook and sold by the Crackley Hall PTA.  The link has been tested and is quick and easy to use but if you experience any difficulties, please let us know. 

The URL to access the form is:

Password: Cr4ckl3H4ll

Unfortunately, any previously submitted entries for the Cookbook WILL need to be re-submitted or they will not appear. 

The deadline to get your child's recipe and photograph submitted is Sunday 25 September. 

Apologies once again for any inconvenience caused and we look forward seeing your recipe published. 



PTA AGM - Join Our Team

The PTA AGM will take place on Wednesday 28 September at 7.00pm in the Science Room.

Please see information attached from the PTA.

PTA Information


200 Club

Enrolment Deadline - 29 September 2022

Ticket sales close soon for the 200 club with the first draw at the end of the September, enrolment will not open again until January 2023.

You will be entered into a draw once a month for the full academic year to win £50, £75 or £100. We love giving money back to the parents and gave away £1350 last year!

You have to be in it to win it and we wish you and your extended family members good luck!  

Macmillan Coffee Morning

Friday 30 September 8:00am to 10:00am

It’s that time of year again! 

Come join us to support Macmillan on Friday 30 September. We are asking parents to donate cakes for the event - please bring them in on the morning or drop them off on Thursday 29 September. Please label any special cakes vegan, dairy or gluten free. Please all clearly label your containers. We will be serving tea, coffee and cakes at the Gables prior to assembly from 8.15am to 10.00am. All donations will go directly to Macmillian. 

For those that can’t join us, we will have volunteers in the carline to help collect any donations you may wish to give to Macmillian. 

Please come and join us to support this wonderful charity and have a lovely cake and coffee too.


Tuesday 4 October 2022 

Time to clean out your closet and donate. The PTA will be collecting all mens, ladies, children’s clothing, paired shoes, handbags, belts and accessories. 

We and Bag2School want to help promote reuse of clothes and shoes to benefit those who rely on second hand clothes as their sole option for good quality clothing. Together we can build a sustainable future by using our resources to further the circular economy. Your child will be coming home with a recycled bag and flyer towards the end of September with more details. 

We are unable to take uniform, workwear, pillows, duvets or pieces of fabrics. 

All items to be dropped off on Tuesday 4 October only, in the school porch.

PTA Monthly Coffee Days - Please Note Change Of Venue

We enjoyed meeting so many new parents this week at our first monthly coffee day. We hope to see you again on 11 October at 9.00am and as always we look forward to meeting new faces.

It's a great way to get meet new parents too. 


PTA Second Hand Uniform

Thank you to everyone who has supported the PTA second hand uniform shop, either with donations or purchases. We are very grateful. 

As always, please continue to use the email to submit any requests you may need throughout the year (our stock is always changing with donations that come in).  We are volunteer run and aim to reply to your message within seven days. 

We are also always looking for donations of items your child has outgrown. Please drop these in the box labelled ‘PTA uniform’, located in the front porch of the school. 

As always, we thank you for your support and couldn’t run the second hand shop without your generous donations. 

We would also like to say a huge THANK YOU to our PTA members in charge of the second hand uniform shop who work so hark for us all!


PTA Reusable Mugs

The engraved Crackley Hall reusable coffee mugs are back! These are perfect for bringing to assembly or when you are out and about and are £10 each. 



Easy Fundraising

Crackley Hall PTA - Kenilworth needs your help!

Sign up to easyfundraising and raise FREE donations every time you shop online with over 6,000 retailers. John Lewis, Argos, Uswitch, eBay and many more are waiting to give a free donation.

Plus, once you’ve signed up and raised £5 in donations, easyfundraising will give us an extra £5 bonus donation!

Sign up to support us here – Easy Fundraising

PTA Links

As always we can’t thank you enough for your support to the PTA. All funds go directly back to enhance your child’s experience at Crackley hall. 

Please use this link to select any of the above events/mugs.