
Stars Of The Week

Our Stars of the Week this week are:

Reception A Sanniv
Reception M Ethan 
J1H Royce
J1G Ella
J2B Millie
J3H Henry
J3V Ethan
J4S Ryan
J4R Charlotte
J5W Vaughan
J5L Patrick
J6V Jakob
J6H James

Congratulations to them all!

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New Film Reveals That Crackley Hall School Is A Place To Learn, Grow And Develop

"What sort place is Crackley Hall School?" That’s the question that followers of our school’s social media have been teased with this week.

We have repeatedly posed the cryptic question alongside a series of images of children at the school in the countdown to a big reveal today, Friday 23 September, at 4.00pm, when the new Crackley Hall School film was premiered.

Comments, Headmaster, Rob Duigan, “Crackley Hall School has long been known as ‘the next best place to home’ by its pupils, but it is also a place to learn, grow and develop. As children progress through the school from nursery to Junior 6, we see their self-esteem and confidence grow as they discover at an early age where their talents and passions lie. By the time they reach Junior 6, children have built strong foundations, socially and academically and are well prepared for senior school life and beyond.”

Produced by the Foundation Marketing Team and award-winning Affixxius Films, the new school film was shot in the Trinity Term and captures glimpses of school life as staff support and guide the children on their individual journeys.

We had gasps of excitement in school this morning in Celebration Assembly when we previewed our new school film. It was wonderful to see the children’s delight as they spotted each other in the film. There were a few tears in the eyes of the adults too.

With thanks to the staff and children who took part (they were all stars!) and the film crew for bringing what makes Crackley so special to life on the screen.

We hope you enjoy it! We'd love you to like and share it on social media too!

A Place To Change

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Stay 'n' Play Returns To Crackley Hall

After two years, Little Crackers Stay ‘n’ Play is finally returning to Crackley Hall School.

During COVID times, our friendly toddler group, aimed at families with children aged 0 to four-years-old, temporarily relocated to St Francis Of Assisi R C Church, but now the school is delighted to welcome everyone back.

The toddler group meets every Wednesday morning during term time from 10.30am to 11.45am and everyone is welcome.

Little Crackers Stay ‘n’ Play has lots of exciting visiting activities and events lined up for the autumn term, so there will be plenty to keep the little ones entertained. They include:

Forest Fun - Wednesday 5 October
Firework Craft - Wednesday 2 November
Paint and Glaze - Wednesday 16 November
Outdoor Play - Wednesday 30 November
Christmas Party - Wednesday 7 December

These special activities will need to be booked in advance as places are limited. Please contact Mrs Jenny Vaughan on 01926 514410 or email to book your place.

It’s great to have Stay ‘n’ Play back at school - why not come along and join in all the fun!

Crackley Hall Is On Social Media

Did you know that we are on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram? We use social media to share all that goes on, day in day out, in our super school. We post regularly to keep you up to date with school news and school life, and to share all the wonderful activities and amazing work our fantastic pupils do.
So, however you engage with social media, why not check out our pages and be sure to follow us so that you never miss a post.

Foundation News: Registration Deadline For Princethorpe College

The deadline for registrations for Princethorpe College's Entrance Exams is Friday 30 September. Junior 6 parents wishing their children to sit the Princethorpe entrance exam must complete a registration form and submit it with the accompanying registration fee by this date.

This year the exams for Year 7 to 10 entry will take place on Saturday 5 November from 9.30am to 3.30pm.

More information on the admissions process can be found in Princethorpe's Admissions Update newsletter here or on the Foundation website here.

A copy of the registration form can be found here.

If you have any queries relating to admissions please speak to the Registrars at Princethorpe College, either by email at or by calling 01926 634201/262/297.