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Top Tips For Navigating The Chronicle On Your Mobile Phone

To help families new to the school, and as a reminder for all, here are some top tips for navigating the school's e-newsletter, The Chronicle, on your mobile phone.

Each edition of The Chronicle has a general overview message followed by an index list of the news, events and other information, split into categories, with clickable title links.

  • Click the title link of the article or event you are interested in.
  • From here you can scroll through all the articles in this category.
  • To get back to the top of a category quickly, use the arrow in the bottom right corner of your screen. Click this and you will jump to the top of the page and see the category index.
  • Select ‘NEWSLETTER INDEX’, to return you to the main newsletter index listing all the categories and articles.
  • To move between different editions of The Chronicle use the dark button with three white lines towards the top right of the newsletter. Click on the button and choose which edition of The Chronicle you would like to read.
  • If you are looking for a particular article use the search function using key words to locate it quickly.

The Chronicle is one of the school's main communication tools and is always a good first place to look for information and news.

Bookmarking will allow you to get to the newsletter quickly.