
Learning In RE

School Assembly

Mr Duigan welcomed the whole school community in Monday’s Assembly and talked about having firm foundations and choosing to follow Jesus to keep us strong together. He spoke about how there are many parts to our body, but only one body. Each part of our body is needed and is equally essential to the other. Every person is an important part of our school, and we all need each other to make our school the best place it can be. Just like a body needs all of its parts, the whole body of our school needs each one of us.

Whole School Mass

Thank you to everyone who brought in a decorated stone this week. The theme of the Mass, which was celebrated today by Father Kevin and led by Junior 6V, was ‘Building our lives on Firm Foundations’. We were able to thank God in Mass for the wonderful partnership between children, parents, staff and the local community who help to make our school such a special place to be.

Prayer Activity

Pupils in Junior 3 have been learning about the different types of prayer. They had fun  blowing ‘Bubble Prayers’ to help them understand that prayer is a conversation with God and can be said anywhere, at any time for anyone.

Pupil Led Collective Worship

We are please to announce that pupil led Collective Worship is back. Pupil led Collective Worship is an important part of school life. Not only does it give the pupils the opportunity to collaborate and work as a team and present to others, it is also a fantastic way for pupils to take ownership of developing the spiritual life of the school. Each week a team of children will meet with Mrs Jackson-Mayne and discuss and plan out the theme of the worship for the next week. Pupils from J4 – J6 will help to deliver and present important themes to their class and also to the younger children.

Congratulations to the teams who delivered Collective Worship to Junior 4 – 6 this week. Pupils and staff were impressed with the way they conveyed the message of Education and Growth, to link with Education Sunday which was celebrated at Mass on 11 September. Pupils used the parable ‘Gardener and the Vine’ and the scripture, ‘I am the Vine’ to show how we can, with God’s love, can grow to be more caring and loving.

Junior 3 Trip to St Francis

Please remember to fill in your consent form on Evolve to enable your child to attend St Francis Church to find out more about Baptism.

Vocational Wheel 

During Vocations Week 31 October 2022 – 4 November,  I would like to invite parents into school to share with pupils what they do for a living and explain to the pupils the talents and gifts they use to fulfil their role. Parents will speak to  a number of small groups of children (about 5 or 6 pupils) for about ten minutes each.

It would be a fantastic opportunity to inspire the children, ignite a few ambitions and reinforce positive attitudes on how we use our God given talents in different ways.



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Weekly Mission

Please click on the link below for this week's weekly mission:

Weekly Mission