Headmaster's Welcome
Dear Parents
Whilst writing the Chronicle, pupils, staff and parents will be at the Leamington Spa Centre. I am delighted that we have been able to return to a whole school performance which can be performed on a stage at such a super venue. Our performing arts staff and all children have worked incredibly hard on each scene, and I am sure you will be impressed with the quality of the performance. I am certainly looking forward to watching both performances this evening. I would like to thank Mrs Wildey, Mrs Paphitis, Mrs Olden, Mrs Holmes, Mrs Hardwick and Mr Kefalas for all their efforts in preparing the children and arranging the props. Thank you to parents and grandparents who have helped with props and the office staff for their work in ensuring that all logistical arrangements are in place. I’d also like to thank the band members for taking time out of their day for the rehearsal and performance, the class teachers for being supportive and flexible during rehearsals and, most importantly….the children for their enthusiasm.
The school performance has been the grand finale to this week but we have had many other highlights that I would like to mention. It has been a busy week for our Little Crackers; on Monday they took part in their very own sports day with some of our wonderful J5 pupils assisting with the various events. I would like to thank Mrs Thomas for co-ordinating the morning so well and Mrs Stephenson for visiting and capturing the smiles on camera. Yesterday, Miss Lisa hosted the Nursery Graduation, and it was a delight to welcome parents and grandparents to school as we celebrated the end of their nursery journey and start of the first stage of their full time education. Miss Claire was able to join the celebration and was able to see the proceeding online; she was most grateful for the well wishes received and looks forward to seeing everyone again soon.
On Wednesday the annual Teddy Bear’s picnic took place at stay and play this year and it is hoped that next year we will be able to invite families back to school so that this event can take place on the front lawn. Junior 1 travelled to Stratford on Wednesday when they visited the Mad Museum. It was a beautiful day and the whole class thoroughly enjoyed the hands-on experience the museum has to offer. My thanks to Mrs Hardwick and Mr Kefalas for arranging this visit and accompanying the children.
During assembly this morning I presented a super collection of certificates for achievements outside of school. It was wonderful to see such a diverse range of awards and I would like to reiterate my congratulations to everyone. In addition, I was able to present Junior da Vinci awards and our stars of the week to: All the Little Crackers Badgers, Lucas, Alexander, Cleo, Tristan, Jess, the whole of Junior 3H, Rory, Ben, Hollie, Grace, James and all of Junior 6.
Next week will be the last full week of the school year and we have more diary dates to look forward to. On Monday, the Key Stage 2 sports day will be held on the school field, on Tuesday afternoon Mrs Simmonds has arranged for the parishioners’ and grandparents’ Cream Tea to be held in the Hall. On Wednesday, children will be meeting their new class teacher during ‘Moving Up Day’ and some of our Junior 6 children will be spending the day at Princethorpe College. On Thursday, we will host Prize Giving with Reception to Junior 4 receiving their prizes from 2.00pm to 3.00pm and Junior 5 and 6 will be invited with their parents to attend later in the afternoon. I am delighted that Mr Hester, Mrs Griffin and Father Kevin will be able to attend this event. The School Office has sent details of how to book your seats for both events. Parking for these events will be on the school field.
I encourage you to read this edition of the Chronicle as you will find a full report and photographs from last week’s colour run, information on how to book holiday club and much more from each year group.
I look forward to seeing many of you this evening at the Spa Centre and wish you a restful and happy weekend.
God bless,
Mr Duigan