
Learning In RE

What an exciting week it has been!

During the school Assembly on Monday, Mrs Glen-Roots focused on the Good Shepherd and her message relayed, with some pupils dressing up as a sheep, a wolf, a butterfly and a shepherd, the importance of recognising that Jesus is our guide, protector, and leader and how the sheep know the voice of their shepherd.  The Good Shepherd guards His flock, and we were all reminded how we can trust and rely on Jesus – the Good Shepherd.

On Wednesday, Junior 3 explored the significance of the Last Supper, by celebrating a Passover Meal with Father Kevin, Mrs Jackson-Mayne, Mrs Simmonds and Mrs Wheatly. During the meal, they followed the story of the Israelites trying to free themselves from slavery. Earlier this year, Junior 3 visited the synagogue, during one World Week, as part of their focus on Judaism. Through the feast they were able to see why unleavened bread is used at Mass. It was fantastic to witness the children sharing the food and unleavened bread (matza crackers) – like Jesus did at the Last Supper. Pupils very bravely tried horseradish, parsley and apple and fruit paste. Father Kevin explained the symbolism of drinking the wine (blackcurrant juice) and the different foods which form the seder plate.

In our second Thursday Collective Worship, the pupils used pipe cleaners to make crosses, as part of our exploration of the theme of the ‘Journey to the Cross’. Pupils listened to the story of We’re Going on a Bear Hunt, read by Michael Rosen, to understand that sometimes on our life journey we may experience difficulties that we can’t go over, can’t go round or under but have to go through it. It was wonderful to hear how different staff coped with problems and anxieties in their lives. Some staff shared how they listen to music, go for walks, talk to God, exercise, do breathing exercises or complete a craft activity. The children were reminded that having a conversation with God can happen any time. Junior 6 helped Reception and Year 1 make their crosses to demonstrate that in life we all help each other on pilgrimage.

Junior 4R led Mass beautifully this morning. It was so lovely to hear all the children singing and praying together again as a community.

Vaughan and Wade introduced the theme of the Mass, which was love. In the celebration the children reflected on the message in John’s Gospel, reminding us of the commandments; to love one another We were reminded to break down barriers by showing love to people who we find difficult or who have hurt us, as well as our friends.

In Junior 2 we made the most of the sunny weather and went outside to enjoy the sunshine in our RE lesson. We discussed how the Church celebrates Easter and we identified some of the symbols the Church uses to represent the Easter season.  Did you know that the dogwood tree is a symbol of Easter as this was the wood used to build the cross upon which Jesus was crucified, and that Easter lilies are also a symbol as they sprung from the ground around Jesus as He spent His final hours on the cross?  



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Weekly Mission

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Weekly Mission