Lego Club News
We. Love. Dinosaurs! It’s official…Lego Club is buzzing with these prehistoric creatures. We will never know what it’s truly like to meet a T-rex in real life, but our continued fascination of these mighty and magnificent giants always sparks our imaginations and we really did, yes we really did, pretend that they were in our classroom, with roaring sound effects to match! We even discussed if we could keep dinosaurs as pets? How would they interact with humans, in cities, or in the wild? Which animal today resembles a dinosaur? We thought its common ancestor could be a bird? Questions, questions which culminated in a fascinating dialogue and discussion. Dinosaurs may be extinct from our planet, but they are roaring wild in our imaginations. Here’s something to ponder over…. What do you call a dinosaur that knows a lot of words? A thesaurus!