Nursery News
What a proper blustery day to end the week! The children have been watching the leaves flying around the nursery windows, and listening to the wind and rain in the garden room… but we’ve been as warm as toast inside. The children in the Badgers made us all really proud as we joined the whole school for the first Celebration Assembly in a very long time. They sat so quietly and enjoyed watching the older children – they were fabulous. Some of our children have been continuing with their gentle Christmas preparations, beginning to make cards, and we have continued to practice songs and lines for our nativity. I hope everyone has had the information regarding booking tickets now, and you’re celebrating not having to draw straws! We are looking forward to welcoming two people per family on the day. Unfortunately I have heard that there will no longer be a celebration to turn the lights on tonight in Kenilworth, because of the blustery evening ahead, but if you are out and about at other Christmas events this weekend, please stay warm and safe.