Headmaster's Message

Headmaster's Welcome

Dear Parents

Thank you very much for your assistance regarding the PCR testing that was asked for last weekend. Fortunately, we have had a much quieter week, with only a couple of new cases of Covid at Crackley being reported. It remains so important that we are vigilant and continue to battle this virus together. If your child displays any symptoms of the virus, including a runny nose or feeling more tired than usual, please don’t send them into school and arrange to have a PCR test.  Please also continue with the regular lateral flow and PCR testing, as per previous advice and requests.  I must say that it has been lovely to see so many pupils return to school this past week.  I hope that the spread of COVID has now peaked and will continue to reduce throughout next week.  Thank you, once again, for your patience and support during this time while we continue the ‘test to release’ procedure.

I hope you have received the link to watch this week’s assembly where I was able to talk to the children about events in school this week and also share news about Black History Month and Mental Health Week.  Junior 2B reminded us about the importance of looking after our mental health and we will be inviting everyone to wear a hat next Friday on non-uniform day.  The money collected will be shared between the PTA and a local charity, Coventry Mind.

There will be more information to follow from class teachers about Black History Month and year groups will be involved in various activities so please do ask the children about what is happening in school.

I congratulated our Stars of the Week this morning, this week they were awarded to:  Edie, Ciara, Marley, Charley, Charlie, Alfie, Charlotte, Daiya, Wade, Blythe, Suzie, Rayane, Jasmine and George.  Grace in Junior 3 played a delighted piece on her violin and there were also Junior da Vinci awards presented for musical achievements.  Congratulations to everyone for your efforts this week.

Some of you were able to join the PTA AGM on Wednesday when new officers were elected.  I would like to thank out going Chair, Mrs Lamb for her outstanding contribution to the PTA over the years.  I know that Mrs Lamb will be only too happy to support the new Chair, Dr Card and Vice Chair, Mrs Farrow.  Thank you to the whole PTA for their efforts during the course of the school year.  They work tirelessly making sure that the children and school benefit from funds raised.  I wish Dr Card and her team the very best for the year ahead and urge you to become involved in some way if you are able to.

I have written to Reception class parents this week when I shared the sad news that Mrs Convey will be leaving her role as Reception class teacher at the end of this term.  We are in a fortunate position to have strong candidates in consideration for this role and I know that Mrs Convey will certainly be keeping in touch with Crackley Hall as she has a long standing connection with school.

We will shortly be hosting our online parents’ consultation evenings for all classes, with your child’s class teacher being able to provide feedback on how your child has started the year, their progress thus far and their approach to the school day.  Please keep a look out for an email from the school office which will provide a link to booking an online appointment on either Tuesday 12 or Thursday 14 October. 

Holiday club bookings are still being taken and I would urge you to book in advance.  We do need to know numbers in order to arrange suitable staffing ahead of time.

I hope that the weather will be a bit kinder than that of late as we go into the weekend. There is, once again, some good sport to look forward to – especially if you support the All Blacks!  I wish everyone a happy and relaxing weekend with your families.

God bless,


Mr Duigan