
The Year Of St. Joseph And RE Shining Stars

As we are approaching the time when pupils in Junior 3, 4 and 5 will be making their First Holy Communion, pupils in Junior 3 listened to the story of the Feeding of the 5000 and through discussion, reflected on the links between the Last Supper, Mass, the sharing of five loaves and two fishes and the Eucharist. Pupils passed round one slice of bread and were amazed that they each managed to have two or more pieces, even though the portion was only small. They realised that in order for everyone to have enough, they had to think of the person after them and put someone else first. They also recognised that God can do so much, with so little. Pupils spoke about the fact that even though there is enough food in the world, some go hungry. The miracle in the story from the New Testament is the sharing, and the child is the one who makes the difference.

Junior 4 have been learning about the Holy Trinity of God through imagery and explanation this week.  The pupils designed their own image of the Trinity and many designs were depicted, including a flower with one stem and three petals; one candle with the wax, flame and wick; three planets surrounding one earth, one hat with three points; one large heart with three smaller hearts wrapped inside, and even a Da Vinci badge which has Mastery, Creative and Practice circles within one badge!

Full Da Vinci RE badges were awarded to Matilda, Lucas, Esme and Amalia this week for their continued deep understanding of this subject.

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Weekly Mission

Please click on the link below for this week's weekly mission;

Weekly Mission