
The Year Of St. Joseph And RE Shining Stars

Junior 4 have been exploring the fruits and gifts of the Holy Spirit whilst learning about Pentecost.  We went outside and discussed the nine fruits of Love, Joy, Peace, Gentleness, Kindness, Goodness, Patience, Faithfulness and Self-Control and displayed our fruits onto the branches of a tree.  We then thought of a situation where we could say or do something to show the meaning of each of these fruits.  We all agreed that, like a successful gardener must battle against the weeds to enjoy the fruit, we must also work to rid the weeds in our lives that want to block out the work of the Holy Spirit.

We also investigated the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit.  Whereas fruits are not given, but are developed, the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit are given and these are Wisdom, Knowledge, Understanding, Piety, Right Judgement, Fortitude and Fear of the Lord. To represent the gifts from the Holy Spirit, pupils made little gift boxes out of net shapes – linking their maths and art with RE.

To conclude the work on Pentecost, the pupils considered how they would use their gifts to help others.

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Weekly Mission

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Weekly Mission