Thank you, Crackley Hall Community

Crackley Hall PTA are extremely proud and grateful and would like to say a huge ‘ Thank you’, to the whole school community for your contribution & commitment to fundrasing over the years.

Together, we have managed to raise a staggering amount to enable us to enhance the school playground and equipment.

Further enhancements will follow over the summer holidays. Watch this space

Ordinary Meeting – Wednesday 12 May 7.30pm

We are always looking to welcome new members, so if the PTA is something you would like to be involved with, we would be very pleased for you to join us. The committee get together once per half term and would really welcome some new faces, now more than ever. 

If you would like any further information or to be added to our email list, please contact Chanel Camilleri-Willis

PTA, Preloved Uniform Shop Is Open For Business!

Dust off the dresses, shine those shoes and un-crease those coats.  As always, thank you, to our wonderful second hand uniform team, Nikki, Linda and Katie, for being ever patient and serving our wonderful school community with much needed preloved uniform.

Please feel to contact them on to arrange an appointment, or to simply check stock availability.

To offer this service, we rely on wonderful donations from you. So if you have any good quality uniform your child has outgrown, please use the collection box in the school front entrance.  It will then be quarantined for 72 hours before offering for sale.

All money raised from the PTA Uniform shop is spent on extras for your children throughout the year at school and helps the children’s day become even more special!