
CAFOD Lent Calendar

Please find a link to the Lent calendar below:


The Year Of St Joseph

2021 is the year of St Joseph. As he is the Patron of our school, we are busy planning activities linked with finding out more about the history of our school and the life of St Joseph. Look out for the different activities linked to this special year.

This Sunday’s Gospel


Prayers for the Week



Weekly Mission - 15 February

Please click on the link below for this week's weekly mission;

Weekly Mission


Weekly Mission - 22 February

Please click on the link below for this week's weekly mission;

Weekly Mission


RE Shining Stars

Monday's assembly reminded us all that during Lent we should try to make an extra effort to see the positive in even the most difficult circumstances. 

We are very lucky that at Crackley Hall, one of the overwhelming answers to the question, 'What is the most positive thing about Lockdown for you?' the pupils answer, spending more time with my family! When we flip our pancakes next Tuesday it would be lovely for the children to think about how they can change a negative thought to a positive and say it aloud.

In RE lessons this week, the pupils have been exploring the history and the meaning of Lent.  J3 have discussed the reasons why we give up things like chocolate or reduce our time on Tech and also why we are encouraged to do something for someone else.

Darcey has written up her Lent resolutions and shared them with the class. We also spoke about the symbol of the cross - remembering Father Kevin's sermon at the Ash Wednesday Mass last year, 'Cross out the 'I'  and put another person first.' Isabelle drew a beautiful Lenten cross to reflect this. 

Congratulations to Adreena, in J3, and Julia in J4, who were both awarded the Creative Da Vinci for their response to the task on the 'Our Father'. Adreena's superb actions and singing to the 'Our Father' prayer and Julia's beautiful voice really brought the prayer alive.  

Matilda in J4, also used gymnastic skills to add movement to the Stormzie song 'By Your Grace.'

Throughout the term.  all the pupils have engaged in their RE lessons with  mpressive enthusiasm and commitment - joining discussions, volunteering information and asing intelligent questions.


Important Dates

Ash Wednesday 17 February 2021


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