Little Crackers

Nursery News

This week we have been talking about all the people who help us in various ways – from the exciting firefighters and mountain rescue teams with helicopters, to the postmen, shopkeepers and refuse collectors who help us in our daily lives. 

We have also been thinking about how we can help others too – and I have spotted some really kind acts in Little Crackers this week, from cuddles when a child fell over, to sharing toys and asking for help on behalf of a shy friend. 

Our little ones are always trying to help each other in different ways, something that is just as important as appreciating those who help us.  

Have a good weekend, and maybe, if you’re out and about, you might be able to spot some early signs of Spring.  If you do, send me a picture to make us all smile!



Little Crackers Are Ice Experts Now

It’s been yet more icy exploration for our Little Crackers this week!

The nursery children watched and played with melting ice – enjoying the opportunity to explore the changing shapes, the feel and texture of the melting blocks and the different ways we could speed up the melting process!

It was a fantastic stimulus for conversation allowing them to talk though their ideas about what was happening – our youngest were constantly excited by the changing tray, and our eldest children were challenged to consider how materials can change, and the importance of heat in the melting process.

Who knew ice could offer so many opportunities for learning!