Headmaster's Message

Headmaster's Welcome

Dear Parents, Boys and Girls

Although it’s officially holiday time, I hope that you don’t mind this abridged Chronicle.  We have been blessed with lovely weather today and I do hope that many of you were able to enjoy the time together outside.  I was able to take time off to have a brisk walk/jog around our school fields this afternoon and certainly feel better for it.

We will be including some holiday activities, provided by all the teachers and collated by Mrs Hill, for you to do if you wish.  There is certainly no need to complete any of them – they are there just as ideas should you be looking for something to do.  We have also included some pictures or work from pupils produced over the past two weeks.  In this week’s Chronicle, you will also find an activity for Mini Vinnies, or anyone else who would like to tackle it.

We also have an online link to a weekly children’s liturgy, especially relevant at this important time in the liturgical year as we begin Holy Week with Palm Sunday on 5 April. Thursday next week is Maundy Thursday and the vigil, into Good Friday.  This is the start of the Easter Triduum, into Easter Sunday where we celebrate Jesus’ Resurrection and new life. As families, we can mark these special days in an appropriate manner. You will find this link in the Spiritual section of this newsletter.

I should like to thank staff from Princethorpe, Crescent and Crackley Hall for assisting is looking after key worker pupils last week; your dedication beyond the call is commendable. All staff have continued to work hard during the holiday period, receiving additional training and also preparing the curriculum for next term. I cannot thank them enough for their continued efforts.

On a personal note, thank you to my J6 RE pupils for their super work on ‘poverty in the world’ which has been handed in last week and this week.  I have also had a lot of positive feedback on the end of term awards which were sent home in the post last week.  I am indebted to Mrs Dyer and Mrs Jenny Vaughan for the work they have both done in school this week.  They get my ‘Stars of the Week’.

I hope that all staff and parents will be able to relax away from work next week.  You are all very much in my thoughts and prayers at this time.

God bless

Rob Duigan