Headmaster's Message

Headmaster's Welcome

Dear Parents (and pupils)

I would like to start by thanking you all so very much for your supportive messages that I have received this week.  Keeping in contact with every one of you is vitally important during this difficult time.  The photographs you have sent have been very uplifting and will be sharing them through the Chronicle.

Your feedback during and on the first week of remote learning is immensely valuable as we learn to negotiate the best way forward for all concerned.  We will have explored the vast choice of online resources available and have been in constant communication with other headteachers in order to fine tune the provision for the children.  We are also monitoring what tends to work best and are looking to provide a mixed and balanced delivery.  Additionally, what works for one family may not suit another.

Teachers have been working incredibly hard each day to ensure that their class has received the correct work.  The extra demand on technology and the internet has resulted in temporary pauses in access to our network but, in the main, communications have been successful.  Frustratingly, I have been unable to have my assembly video uploaded; it was recorded this morning and I was desperately hoping that the pupils would be able to see who was presented the awards in an ‘almost live’ scenario.  I have no doubt that we will be able to improve this aspect of our teaching as we move forward.

I know that some parents have found the level of emails challenging but I am pleased to say that the Easter break has arrived and will provide a respite from deadlines and full in-boxes.  If you need to contact school during the Easter break, please email  Post@crackleyhall.co.uk and Mrs Dyer will endeavour to respond as soon as possible.  There will be some contact between home and school during the holiday period and I will, of course, update you all towards the end of the holiday period, specifically with teaching provision and maintaining our sense of community and pastoral care.  We really must look to stay in contact in any way that we can as this is one of the absolute strengths of our school.  I will be writing to parents of those children who are due to attend residential visits next term.

I am very grateful to those staff who have been able to attend school this week providing a rota of cover so that we can care for children of our critical key workers.  Teachers, teaching assistants, office staff, cleaners, our caretaker and catering manager have enabled the school to function on a very basic level whilst the remainder of teaching staff are teaching remotely.  This has allowed our teachers to work from home in delivering their lessons, responding to emails and maintaining essential contact with our families.  It will be challenging as we start working with the ‘new normal’.

As mentioned, I have recorded an assembly for you this morning and will hopefully be able to share this with you soon.  (Please do excuse the squeaky background noises every time I moved my elbows or arms – I will try not to make the same mistake again).  Congratulations to all our stars of the week: Hugo, Fleur, Angelica, Shuvan, Olivia, Jenson, Esme, Ralph, Hattie, Mikey, Alyx, Caythan, Thomas, and Hugo.  Your certificates have been sent in the post to you.  Congratulations are also afforded to Ellie who is awarded the RE Book of the Week.  Well done to everyone during this very different week of school.

Well done to Venus for winning this week’s house competition (161 points). I think that they have a ‘hat-trick’ of wins!

The following pupils received Headmaster’s Awards:  Sienna (J2H), Josh, (J1H), Eve (J3S), Beatrice (J3S), Archie (J6V) and Esme (J3S).  I have seen so many wonderful pictures, a few videos and many bits of great work online – the teachers have saved work centrally.  Mrs Dyer has passed on the many emails from families, some showing and informing me about work completed, others giving advice and encouragement and others thanking us for what we are trying to do.  It is uplifting and we will continue to do our best and to improve, whilst we take on board some suggestions.  There were some lovely poems from J3V and J3S – thank you for those.  Also, super messages from pupils – the last two I have just received were from Rhoman and Sumhar.  I really appreciated the kind messages – I also hope that Liverpool get the chance to win the league!  Keep working hard but, also, enjoy the holidays.

I hope you will be able to enjoy some sunshine in the garden during the Easter break and I will try to respond to everyone who has contacted me at some point.  Your patience and support during this time is very much appreciated.  Boys and girls, keep up the acts of kindness and help around the house, learn new skills (besides patience and tolerance) and take up the challenge that Conor, our RE Captain, has set – to carry out helpful and kind acts as often as possible.

We will look to keep in touch over the holiday and will provide you with some interesting activities that you may choose to do if you are able or willing.

My thoughts and prayers are with you and the whole school community at this time.

God bless


Mr Duigan