Headmaster's Message

Headmaster's Welcome

Dear Parents

This brief edition is intended to bring you up to date on a few items of news and to wish you and your family a wonderful and peaceful Christmas.

On Tuesday this week the children enjoyed a surprise pantomime which was provided by the PTA.  There was much excitement in the Hall from Nursery to Junior 6 as they joined in the traditional ‘oh no he’s not’ and ‘she’s behind you’, watching Cinderella.  Mrs Stephenson was on hand to capture the event on camera and you will be able to view these later in this edition.  Thank you to our PTA for organising this visit from ‘Outside The Box’ theatre company.

During the afternoon termly awards were presented to children.  These are awarded for various reasons, not just academic but to recognise everything that is important at Crackley Hall School including how the children present themselves, kindness, loyalty, helpfulness, manners and effort.  These are considered awards and if your child has been recognised, I hope that you will be able to celebrate their achievement with them.

I would like to thank Father Kevin for celebrating our end of term Mass on Wednesday morning.  Father Kevin supports Crackley Hall in so many ways and I am grateful that he is able to give so much of his time to visit school and join us for Mass and other services.  The children always welcome him with smiles and I know that Father Kevin also enjoys his time here.

There were various parties taking place throughout the school with cards and gifts being exchanged and party food being shared.  I am sure that the children have left school very much in the Christmas spirit and for those that are returning to join us for holiday club this week, the festivities will continue.  Thank you to all our wonderful families for their cards, gifts and messages of goodwill and appreciation.

I am now able to share with you the Canonical Report following our RE inspection by the Archdiocese of Birmingham.  I am very pleased with the outcome and this is a testament to the efforts from all the staff but I am particularly grateful to Mrs Jackson-Mayne, Mrs Simmonds and the RE teachers for their part in this outcome.  The report can be accessed by opening the following link: \\CRH-FS-01\GDPR_STAFF\RE Inspection Nov 2019\3 Canonical Inspection Report - Crackley Hall Kenilworth.pdf

I have been notified of the amount raised by the Poppy Appeal that was held in school during November and I am pleased to announce that we collected £167.79 from the sale of poppies and other items.  The total amount collected in Kenilworth was £27,568.43 which is a magnificent contribution to the Royal British Legion.

During the term, the school looked at various ways in which we could improve our provision; and areas which we felt required attention were the afternoon collection arrangements and also the managing of people entering the school in the mornings.  The safeguarding of pupils is the most important factor throughout any day and, we feel, that we need to adjust the morning drop-off systems to help ensure that we meet this obligation.

The School Office will close at 2.00 pm on Monday 23 December and will not re-open until Thursday 2 January. Personally, thank you very much for your good wishes, cards and gifts which are much appreciated and I look forward to sharing these with my family.  Term starts again on Monday 6 January but in the meantime, I hope that you and your family are able to spend time together, make memories and enjoy this very special time of year.  

God bless


Mr Duigan