Little Crackers

Nursery News

We have enjoyed a really Christmassy week in Nursery… the children have been dressing up, replaying their nativity within their own play and exploring the grotto that was created in the role play area. 

They particularly enjoyed stirring up a storm earlier in the week when we were generously donated some polystyrene… it rapidly became lumpy marshmallows, Christmas puddings and eventually a rather static snow that covered every surface!!! 

Don’t forget, last day for term time children is Wednesday next week, and for everyone else, we break up on Friday for Christmas.  Nursery will then close for a week. 

We look forward to seeing you all again in the New Year!

(Please would everyone have a good look at home for a missing star costume.  After our Nativity last week one of the little star costumes has gone astray.  It is a small gold star costume, purchased at Sainsbury’s (TU).  If you find it, please drop it back to us in Nursery, thank you)
