Little Crackers

Nursery Nativity - Shine Star Shine!

Our very youngest children took to the stage on Tuesday morning to tell the story of the star that could not shine. With smiles on their faces, they could be heard telling the big star, "Yes you can!" as they performed their lines confidently and clearly. The songs were sang beautifully, if a bit enthusiastically at times, as they had the audience crying with laughter. There were certainly some stars of the future on show!

Well done nursery - you were all amazing!



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Stay ‘n' Play Have A Cracking Christmas Party

What a cracking Christmas party the Stay 'n' Players had on Wednesday 4 December.  At what was the last session for our friendly toddler group this term, it was wonderful to welcome a bumper 42 families into the school hall for some fabulously festive fun.

The Nursery had organised plenty of Christmas-themed activities to keep everyone busy.  The little ones enjoyed the Christmas craft table or just enjoy playing freely with the laid-out toys.  Whilst all the mums, dads and grandparents welcomed the chance to catch up over a warming mince pie or coffee. Mid-morning it was time for a Christmas snack and then everyone enjoyed a very special Christmassy sing song.

Then it was time for a very special surprise and our Stay 'n' Players truly couldn't believe their eyes, when Father Christmas popped in to meet them all.  He delighted in exchanging glad tidings and offered each of the children a very special chocolate treat.  He said, "I was given a wonderful welcome by the children and their parents. I hope they all enjoyed their party and have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year"

Little Crackers Stay ‘n’ Play returns after the Christmas break on Wednesday 8 January 2020.

Nursery News

What a wonderful week we’ve had in Nursery, I must say a HUGE thank you to all our stars who performed so brilliantly on Tuesday morning in Shine, Star, Shine! our Nativity. 

It was a joy to see their faces as they enjoyed the whole experience, doing their best to make everyone smile, laugh and wipe away a proud tear! 

I was extremely impressed with how well our really little stars coped with such a big audience, and our big stars certainly made the most of their opportunity in the spotlight! 

Thank you to all our parents and families for the brilliant costumes, and for coming along to support us in style – I don’t think we have ever seen the hall so full. 

What a perfect way to start the celebrations as we count down the days to Christmas with our Advent Candle and learn more about the birth of that very special baby.  
