Headmaster's Message

Headmaster's Welcome

Dear Parents

I hope that this week’s Chronicle finds you well and not battling with flood waters.  The adverse weather has affected both fixtures and extra-curricular activities this week but we have tried to carry on to the best of our ability where possible.

This week was national anti-bullying week with all children (and some staff) wearing odd socks on Wednesday to help raise awareness about the simple but important message that everyone is different and that we should celebrate our individuality.  The message was reinforced in class and at an assembly, led by Mr Cottrill.  Photographs that captured Odd Sock Day can be viewed later in this newsletter.

On Monday, Junior 2 held their assembly marking Remembrance Day before the whole school took part in a service in the Hall.  The school fell silent for two minutes whilst we remembered those who have served in conflict and continue to serve their country; the poppy appeal funds were then collected and I will update you in due course regarding the total amount raised.  Whilst on the subject of charitable donations, I am pleased to let you know that the PTA will be purchasing several CAFOD ‘gifts’ from some of the money raised at the last non-uniform day.  These include water for a family, the gift of play and a school starter pack.

Junior 6 have benefitted from an amended timetable this week and have been involved in some wonderful activities organised by Mrs Horan and Mrs Vaughan.  I was lucky enough to see the sweet creations made by the children during the bake off.  They were certainly the best that I’ve seen by any group of Junior 6’s.  Mr Cottrill had the difficult task of judging the competition and the standard was simply outstanding.  I am looking forward to joining Junior 6 on their visit to Costa Coffee in Kenilworth on Monday.

On Tuesday we welcomed children from Crescent School to our choral day.  The event, organised by Mrs Olden, was a huge success and enjoyed by pupils of both schools.  Parents and family members from both schools joined the teachers and pupils for a concert and final performance to close the day.  Thank you to Mrs Olden and the staff from Crescent School for organising this day.

Messers Cottrill and Stedeford accompanied our footballers to the Midlands ISA Football competition in the Wyre Forest on Wednesday.  The U11A team reached the quarter finals, losing 4-5 on penalties to the eventual winners, and our U9A team performed well in winning The Plate Competition.  Congratulations to both teams.

Well done to all our Stars of the Week: Dalilah, William, Tristan, Grace, Aaron, Beatrice, Amelia, Miley, Grace, Mikey, Woody, Noah, Alfie and Thomas.  Congratulations to all of our stars.  The RE book of week was awarded to Jia for her continued good work, especially over the last week on vocations and superheroes.  Two wonderful musicians entertained us at the start of assembly – thank you and well done to Issey and Beatrice.

I have been involved in admissions meetings at Princethorpe this week and can reassure parents and pupils that the team at Princethorpe are working hard and looking very closely at all applications.  I understand that this is an anxious time for both parents and children; please know that I am available to discuss any concerns with parents and am very happy to offer any advice, if necessary.

I wish you all a very restful weekend, keeping warm and dry if possible.

God bless


Mr Duigan