Headmaster's Message

Headmaster's Welcome

Dear Parents

The weather this week has been beautiful which has allowed children to enjoy the outdoor space at school to the maximum and it is my wish and intention to develop the facilities even more with different activities for your children to explore and play with during their break times.

There have been both LAMDA and Music Examinations in school this week which have involved many children.  I have managed to speak to a number of pupils either on their way to or from their exam to wish them the very best and I look forward to hearing their results; they were certainly very nervous cum excited! 

Tuesday was a busy day in school and we started with our J5 Lenten Service.  We also hosted an ISA Science Course which was well attended by staff from other independent schools.  I have heard that the Junior 4 Faith Walk, with our visitors from St Augustine’s, was enjoyed by both staff and children.  The weather was perfect and the children behaved perfectly; I hope you enjoy looking at the photographs later in this edition.

As I mentioned in an earlier Chronicle, Mrs Williams will be leaving Crackley Hall at the end of the summer and on Wednesday of this week, both Mr Thackway and I met with the candidates for the French vacancy and I will be able to update you later as to the appointment made for September. 

As the weather improves you will no doubt be preparing for child’s summer uniform.  The summer uniform should be worn when children return for the Trinity term and details of this can be found on our website.  Last year I introduced the option for Junior 6 girls to continue wearing their school skirt but with a short sleeved blouse.  As this was a successful trial with positive feedback from parents and the Junior 6 girls, it has been decided to continue with this arrangement whereby the girls are may choose between wearing their summer dress or skirt with a short sleeved blouse with an open neck blouse.  Blazers should be worn with both options.

We played a combination of football, netball or rugby against the following schools this week: Eversfield, Bilton Grange, Crescent, Ratcliffe and Balsall Common.  A busy week indeed!  We acquitted ourselves exceptionally well in almost every match, winning the vast majority of them.  I was particularly impressed with how the U10B footballers came back from 1-3 to beat Eversfield B 4-3 and with how well the U10 and U11 rugby players performed against Crescent – I witnessed some outstanding running, rucking and support play!  Well done to all our teams and their coaches – and a big thank you for all the effort that you invest in the sport.  I hope to be cheering on six of our athletes as they represent the Midlands at the ISA Nation Cross-country Championships this weekend and we wish them all the very best.

Our Stars of the Week are: Warwick, Thomas, Isaac, Jia, Carter, Theodora, George, Millie, Reeve, Francesca, Aryan, Daisymay, Annamaria, Xzavier and Charlie.   Congratulations to one and all!  There are three gymnasts of the week Finlay, Marley and Willow.  Very well done each one of you. Congratulations to Lily in Junior 3 who was awarded RE Book of the Week.  We were treated to some wonderful musical performances this morning at assembly – congratulatins to Hannah, Henry, Noah and Scarlett – you were all fantastic!

I will be attending the service for Mary O’Farrell later this afternoon which will be held in the Princethorpe Chapel.  I am sure it will be a very moving tribute to Mary who was a dear friend to everyone at Crackley Hall.  I believe that Princethorpe may report on this service in the Flagpole which you will be able to read online.

Preparations are well underway for the Easter Production which will take place on Tuesday 2 April at 6.00 pm.  I know that we can expect great things from all involved as I have heard the rehearsals and I am very much looking forward to watching the show.

It looks as though the weather promises to be bright over the weekend and I hope that you manage to spend time with your family enjoying the Spring sunshine and Mother’s Day on Sunday.   Don’t forget, the clocks go forward on Sunday.

God bless


Robert Duigan