
Advent Wreath Service

Today, Headmaster Mr Robert Duigan led the school in the lighting of the fourth candle of our Advent wreath. Advent comes from the Latin word 'adventus' meaning 'Coming.' Advent also begins the church year starting four Sundays before Christmas.

Traditions vary from church to church, but usually one week, either week three or four in Advent, is set aside as more celebratory than others. Rose is the colour of this week rather than purple, which is why a rose candle is used. In our churches we will celebrate this week on the fourth Sunday of Advent, when we remember Mary, the mother of Jesus to whom is attributed that great song of joy, the Magnificat.

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Advent Mass

Thank you to Father Kevin and Junior 4 and 5 for a wonderful and spiritual Advent Mass to focus our thoughts as we prepare for the joy of Christmas. The Choral Group sang beautifully and helped all the pupils think about the ways that we can prepare for Christmas through prayer and showing love towards others.

During this Mass we thought about the kind of welcome Jesus had then, and the kind of welcome that we give to Him in our hearts and our minds and in our everyday lives.