Little Crackers

Nursery News

It was lovely to see some of you Thursday evening at our Open Evening for Reception. We are really excited about how many of you are choosing Crackley Hall School for your child’s educational journey, but wherever you decide to go, if you have any questions about the step into school, please ask. We will be working with everyone in the pre-school to make sure their transition is as smooth as possible, and that everyone is ready to leap into learning!

This week I have been knocked sideways by the enthusiasm for learning in the big room, and was especially pleased to see one group choosing to ‘play’ their own phonics session – taking turns to be me and directing their friends as they chose items from a bag and sorted the sounds! If you want to follow what we are doing at home you could play I-spy games, maybe focussing on the letters we have looked at so far, s, a and t. Next week we will be thinking about penguins, polar bears, piglets, parachutes and pie as we explore the letter sound p! Have a great weekend, and don’t forget to tell me if you think of any amazing p words.

Nursery newsletter