Forthcoming PTA Events
Non Uniform Day
Friday 30 November 2018 - Non Uniform Day for PTA Christmas Fayre.
Counting Down to Christmas Fayre
Saturday 2 December, 1.00pm to 4.00pm
Planning is underway for this pivotal event in the Crackley Hall calendar. Requests for help and more details will follow shortly, so please keep an eye on the Chronicle.
This year the PTA are able to accommodate a few external stalls. All interested parties should contact the PTA - Thank you.
Have A 'Winter Ball' This February
We are holding a Winter Ball at the Woodside Hotel in Kenilworth and we really hope you can join us.
Tickets will go on sale after half term.
Second Hand Uniform Sale
Thank you to everyone who came along to the sale and supported the PTA.
All funds raised go straight back into the school.