'It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.' - Confucius


Headmaster's Message

Headmaster's Welcome

Dear Parents

I hope this week’s Chronicle finds you well and not too windswept.  We even needed to take the precaution of closing part of our playground area this week when the winds were particularly high and could potentially cause branches to fall.  Hopefully the worst of the storm has now passed and we can all enjoy some autumnal sunshine this weekend.

This week has seen some wonderful results for our U10A football team, history sessions come alive, new student councillors announced, a new PTA committee elected and a warm welcome to our new parents.

I was delighted, along with Mr Cottrill, to be available to coach our U10A football team at Princethorpe this week.  Mr Cottrill and I were incredibly proud of the way the boys played, beating all opponents without conceding a goal, as well as with the end result.  Congratulations to our team who won the Princethorpe Year 5 competition – a thoroughly well-deserved victory boys!  I should like to express my thanks to the Games Department (led by Mr McCollin), especially Miss Carminati and her team at Princethorpe for their excellent organisation of a super event.

I enjoyed welcoming our new parents at the start of the week when we opened our doors on Monday evening for an informal ‘New Parents’ Welcome Evening’.  I hope that those of you who attended found it informative and enjoyable and I am sure that we will see you all again at various occasions during this term.  Please know that we are always available to listen and help where possible.

On Wednesday evening our wonderful PTA held their AGM and the new committee for 2018/2019 was announced.  Lucy Lamb is our new Chair; my thanks are extended to her for taking on this role.  Thank you, also, to everyone else who has accepted roles on the committee.  I am hugely grateful to the PTA and their extended team who work tirelessly to support Crackley Hall.  The events that they organise and funds raised for school benefit all the children from Nursery to J6.  Particular thanks are extended to Kara, Wendy, Gill and Julie for their involvement during their term of office on the PTA.  I look forward to working with the new team on the many projects that they will no doubt become involved in.  Don’t forget the MacMillan Coffee Morning next Friday and the Barn Dance that takes place following Saturday, 29 September.

Congratulations to our stars of the week: Gian, Warwick, Elizabeth, Isaac, Leo, Penny, Nikhil, Harry, Rosa, Harry, Davi, Lucas, Jack, Charlie and Jared.

Our rugby teams got off to a very good start in their matches against Ratcliffe and Bilton Grange – well done to all of them.  Our U10A footballers are in action again on Monday when they take part in the ISA Midlands 5-a-side Tournament.

Congratulations to all our pupils who achieved so well at their clubs and individually over the past weekend – I am delighted to see and hear how active they are and to learn of their outstanding achievements.  Special congratulations are extended to Aryan Mehta on his success in various tennis tournaments, most notably his first place at Edgbaston recently and his selection to the Warwickshire training squad.

I hope you all have a restful weekend with your families.

God Bless


Robert Duigan

Important Information

Early Birds

Dear Parents,

I am writing to inform you that, as of next week, we shall be introducing a few changes to playtime on the playground during Early Birds (07:50 am - 08:20 am):

To help maintain a safe, but practical space for our children to be active at this time, we shall be demarcating certain age appropriate zones for the children. J1-J3 will be allocated the 'soft' playground, which contains the climbing frames and ropes. J4-J6 will be allowed to play in the adjacent court area normally used for football, netball and other (more boisterous) games, which are also much loved by the children. Due to potentially larger numbers and safety in the J3-J6 area, we are not allowing football on this court during Early Birds. They will still be able to play football during morning and/or lunch breaks though. It is important, too, that we cater for children who prefer less crowded spaces or who would just like to enjoy calmer activities. The top lawn and the patio area by the Gables will be open to all age groups in this regard. We shall trial run and monitor this change over the next fortnight to gauge its effectiveness. We welcome your support in reminding the children of this new arrangement when you drop them off in the mornings. 

It is also worth mentioning that we are in the process of having a spring gate-closer fitted to the wooden gate leading to the lower car park/playground. This will assist us in allowing the staff on playground duty to widen their supervisory gaze of the children, as they will not be required to patrol the gate constantly. Plus, parents won't have to remember to close the gate behind them any longer.

Please be aware that I have written to all our staff to reiterate our duty of care during playtime, especially in managing any inappropriate play.

Your support is much appreciated.

Kind regards,

Mr C. Lamprecht

Assistant Head: Co-Curricular

Individual And Class Photographs - Rescheduled Date

Individual and class photographs will now take place in school on Thursday 4 October, not Monday 24 September as printed in the Michaelmas Term Calendar. If you would like your child to have a photograph with their non-school age siblings, please let the office know and ensure that you are able to arrive at school by 9.00am. Photographs will take place in the school hall.

Crackley Hall School Office


Recorder Group

Friday 28 September 2018

Parents and guardians are advised that there will be no Recorder Group on Friday 28 September as the Choral Group is performing for the Macmillan Coffee morning. For this reason, could all Choral Group members be in school by 8.00am on this day. Many thanks.

Susan Olden
Director of Music 

Crackley Hall Half Term Holiday Club

Monday 22 October - Friday 2 November 2018

The Crackley Hall Holiday Club will this year take place during both weeks of the October half term holiday. It will commence on Monday 22 October and run until Friday 2 November. There will be exciting crafts, games and activities taking place on weekdays at school between the hours of 8.00am and 6.00pm.

Please follow the link to book a place https://princethorpecollege.parentseveningsystem.co.uk/



Michaelmas Term After Care

Parents and guardians are advised that After Care is available during the Michaelmas term. Further details and booking forms are available using this link. 

Aftercare queries and bookings can also be sent to the new aftercare email: aftercare@crackleyhall.co.uk

Thank you.

Crackley Hall School Office

School Uniform Shop Opening Times

The School Shop, located on the Princethorpe College site, is open for all your new uniform needs during term time between 3.30pm and 4.30pm and by appointment only during half term.

Appointments can be requested by contacting the School Shop Manager by email nicolabrowne@princethorpe.co.uk or by calling 01926 634272. Should you prefer a preloved item, of which there is a good selection, then please see our PTA 'pop up' shop within the school hall prior to assembly on any Friday.


Stars Of The Week

Our Stars of the Week this week are:

Nursery  Gian Aulakh
Reception   Warwick Mason
J1GR  Isaac Fox 
J1G  Elizabeth Edkins
J2H  Leo Warne 
J2M  Penny Thomas
J3V  Harry Gibson
J3H  Niki Modi 
J4W  Rosa Davis
J4JM  Harry Turvey
J5R  Lucas Navarro 
J5L  Davi Navarro 
J6V  Jared Warrener-Gray
J6H  Jack Mills
J6L  Charlie Wilcox

Saxon Smorgasbord Savoured By Junior 3

Inspirational teaching triggers the senses and motivates the student to find out more. An excellent exponent of the art is Ms. Holmes (J3 Class Teacher and History Coordinator) who never fails to energise her history curriculum with exercises and demonstrations that transport her pupils to the period under scrutiny.

Witness, the smorgasbord of Saxon tasty treats that awaited J3H in their History lesson last Tuesday. Hand picked by Ms. Holmes these foods provided not only the flavour, but the sights and smells of the post-Roman era. A Saxon diet is, we now understand, not unlike the modern equivilent, even if it might look at first sight a little more 'rustic' when served by Ms. Holmes as a Saxon platter.

Now the only question is what will our Junior 3 charges ask for tea tonight?

Welcome New Parents And Carers One And All

Opportunities to meet and greet are welcomed across the Foundation, so it was no surprise that the school hall thronged with folks at the new Parents' Welcome Evening last Monday. A quick 'heads-up' from Mr Duigan made sure everyone was acquainted with the school's Head of Faculties and other important functions such as the PTA prior to the main 'meet and greet' event. Here parents well versed 'in the ropes' exchanged handy hints and helpful tips with others newer to the art.   

Much needed respite at the end of a long day was also provided by our ever industrious Mr. Ian, Crackley's Catering Supremo, in the guise of delicious nibbles, fine wines and crunchy savouries. Events such as these celebrate the school ethos of 'collaboramus' and afford us all a welcome opportunity to catch-up with each other.  

New Student Councillors

Mrs Malcolm held her first Crackley Hall Student Council meeting this week, with a new group of children who are bursting with ideas.

They discussed ways in which they could improve the school and for their next meeting the children are going back to talk to their classes to get ideas on how to make the school healthier.

This year’s Student Councillors are:

Junior 1GR

Amy Carroll and William Verity

Junior 1G

Sienna Lenton and Blythe Camilleri-Willis

Junior 2H

Mitchell Redfern and Isabella Olden

Junior 2M

David Lamprecht and Amelia Turvey

Junior 3H

Grace Johnson and Alexander Ainsworth

Junior 3V

Willow Rochford and George Wilcox

Junior 4JM

Millie Lammas and Samuel Beaman-Henderson

Junior 4W

Jasper Nicholls and Scarlett Hammond

Junior 5L

Lucas Summers and Ajunee Gill

Junior 5R

Annabel Leigh and Henry Fox

Junior 6L

Dylan Williams and Isla Berger

Junior 6V

Alistair Darnell and Martha Harris

Junior 6H

Andrew Gordon and Olivia Swinson


PTA AGM – A New Way To Spell Success

The great and the good from Crackley’s School community came together this week in the guise of Crackley’s PTA at their AGM. This yearly review of activity reports on tasks such as fund raising, spending and future initiatives. Chaired by Mrs. Wasley, new committee members were voted into office. Please note a list of members and their posts is included below.

Mrs Wasley warmly welcomed the new PTA members, whose energy, experience and commitment will be a great addition to the PTAs drive this year.   Everyone is welcome to PTA meetings, the next one takes place in school on Wednesday 21 November at 7.30pm.

List of PTA Officials


Chair - Kara Wasley
Vice Chairs - Wendy Farquharson and Julie Hutton
Treasurer - Gill Blenkinsop
Secretary - Melissa Fox

Newly voted officials for 2018/19
Chair - Lucy Lamb
Vice Chairs - Lois Moulding, Laura Ascroft and Jess Lenton
Treasurer - Marie Holt
Secretary - Melissa Fox

The PTA would like to thank all the outgoing officials for their time and support over the last year and beyond, and welcome the new officials to their posts.

Kind thanks also go to Mr Ian Sansum and Holroyd Howe Catering for the delicious nibbles and soft drinks.

Oliver Wins Warwickshire U12 Golf Finals

On Saturday 8 September Oliver took part in the Warwickshire Under 12 Golf finals at Lea Marston Golf Club.

Having played in his first football game of the season earlier in the day (where his team won 4-0 and he scored), it was a mad dash over to the golf club for his 12.24pm tee-off time.

Oliver had not even had the time to hit a few practise balls before going out, as he'd had to get changed in the back of the car on the way. Not the best preparation for such an important tournament.

However, he was pleasantly surprised to win by six shots.  All the practice has clearly paid off. Well done Oliver.

Foundation News: Countdown To Princethorpe College Entrance Exams Begins

With a little over seven weeks to go, the countdown to Princethorpe's Entrance Exams for admission in September 2019 has begun. This year the exams for Year 7 to 10 entry will take place on Saturday 10 November from 9.30am to 3.30pm.

The College's friendly Admissions Team has been kept busy over the summer accepting registrations from prospective parents.  The deadline for registrations is ideally Friday 5 October, to enable the seeking of references from junior schools. Junior 6 parents wishing their children to sit the exams do need to complete a registration form and submit it with the accompanying registration fee by this date.

There are plenty of opportunities for prospective pupils and their parents to visit the College before the Entrance Exams, including the College's Open Morning on Thursday 27 September from 10.30am to 12.30pm, when pupil tour guides will be available to show visitors around the school. 

Comments Melanie Butler, Assistant Head, Marketing, Admissions and Communications, "Parents and pupils still have plenty of time to prepare and opportunities to visit the College in the run up to the exams.  The results will be out at the end of November, making for an exam-free Christmas holiday, which has got to be good news."

For more information on the admissions process click here to visit the Admissions Update newsletter.

If you have any queries relating to admissions please feel free to email the Registrars at admissions@princethorpe.co.uk or call them on 01926 634201.


Events - Week Beginning Monday 24 September

Monday 24 September 2018  9am - 5pm ISA Midlands U10 5 a-side Football
Tuesday 25 September 2018  10.30 - 11.30am J3 Swimming
Wednesday 26  September 2018 10 - 10.30am J4 Swimming
  10 - 11.30am Stay 'n' Play
  2.30 - 5.30pm U11/10 A, B & C Hockey vs Crescent (@ Rugby College, 2.30pm)
Thursday 27 September 2018 2.30 - 5.30pm U9 A & B Hockey vs Crescent (@ Rugby College, 2.30pm)

Friday 28 September 2018

8 - 10am Macmillan Coffee Morning
  8.40 - 9.30am Celebration Assembly
  4 - 5pm U9 A & B Rugby vs Bablake (Home, 4pm)
Saturday 29 September 2018 2 - 5pm PTA Barn Dance (@ Wethele Manor)


Princethorpe College Open Morning

Thursday 27 September from 10.30am to 12.30pm

Foundation senior school Princethorpe College is holding an Open Morning on Thursday 27 September from 10.30am to 12.30pm. This is a chance to look around the school on a normal working day, prior to Entrance Examinations Day on Saturday 10 November 2018.  Year 8 and 9 pupils will act as tour guides and light refreshments will be available.

Those wishing to register for Entrance Examinations are reminded that they should do so by the deadline of Friday 5 October to facilitate the gathering of references from junior schools. Registration forms are available from the Registrar, Mrs Vanessa Rooney on 01926 634201 or email admissions@princethorpe.co.uk.

Entrance Examinations will take place on Saturday 10 November 2018 from 9.30am to 3.30pm. More information is available on the College website, click here.

Crackley Hall And Little Crackers Nursery Open Day

Tuesday 2 October - 10.00am to 3.00pm

Please do spread the word that Crackley Hall and Little Crackers Nursery are opening their doors for an Open Day on Tuesday 2 October from 10.00am to 3.00pm.

This is an opportunity to look around the school and to meet staff and pupils on a normal working day. There is no need to book, all are welcome.

We will have places available in Junior 1, 2 and 4 in September and will be recruiting for places in Reception 2019. Please speak to our Admissions Secretary, Mrs Jenny Vaughan for availability in other years.

If you can’t make the Open Day but would like to look around the school, please call our Admissions Secretary, Mrs Jenny Vaughan on 01926 514410 or email admissions@crackleyhall.co.uk and come on a day to suit you. We welcome visitors on most days.

For more information visit www.crackleyhall.co.uk

Michaelmas 2018 Calendar

For information please find a pdf of the calendar attached here.

Awards and Celebrations

A photographic 'walk-through' the week's events.

Please click on View Gallery to scroll through a few photos from this week's events. 

View Gallery


Crackley Hall Take U10 Primary Football Tournament With A Super Speedy Golden Goal

On Monday 17 September Crackley Hall took part in Princethorpe College’s U10 Primary Football Tournament. The event was well attended with ten teams taking part in glorious autumn sunshine out on the playing fields.

Crackley were drawn in a tough pool so if they wanted to progress to the final they had to get off to a good start. Their first match was against the previous tournament winners, The Revel. Playing 12-minute games, one way, the boys started solidly, passing the ball fluidly and won well 4-0. A two minute break and Crackley were back on the field, this time against The Croft. It was another fast paced match and again the boys won 4-0. 

The third match was against St John’s Priory and Crackley continued to pass the ball superbly, they won that match 3-0. One more win would see them through to the final. In a tough match against Our Lady’s the boys had to battle hard, with Mr Duigan shouting encouragement from the side-lines they won 2-0.

As pool winners they played Cawston Grange in the final. In an evenly matched game the two teams were locked 0-0 at the end of normal time. The match went to ‘golden goal’ and Archie claimed the victory for Crackley Hall with a super speedy successful shot just 17 seconds in.

Commenting on the tournament Mr Duigan said, “Crackley Hall played superbly. They scored 14 goals in all and did not concede any. It was an excellent team performance from defence through to attack. A great team win for the boys.”

Playing for Crackley hall were: Archie Robinson, Fintan McGrory, Henry Fox, Jimmy Loftus, Conor Horan, Zac Rose, Aryan Mehta, Oliver Camargo-Jones, Alex Vaughan and Avar Khatkar.

Taking part in the tournament this year were teams from Crackley Hall School, Crescent School, The Croft Prep School, St John’s Priory School, Cawston Grange Primary School, Our Lady’s Catholic Primary School, St Peter’s Catholic Primary School, St Augustine’s Catholic Primary School, The Revel Church of England Primary School and St Mary’s Catholic Primary School.

View Gallery

U11 Rugby Results

U11A Rugby

vs Bilton Grange Draw 15-15

vs Ratcliffe lost 0-15


U11B Rugby

vs Bilton Grange Won 20-10

vs Ratcliffe lost 10-15

Under 9's Rugby Results

Under 9As travelled to Bilton Grange for a triangular fixture that also involved Ratcliffe. The boys lost 4-1 (or 20-5) to Ratcliffe and then lost 3-2 to Bilton Grange (or 15-10). Max Kiely scored all three tries.

Despite finishing second in both matches, the boys showed an exemplary attitude, trying their best for every minute of both matches and making significant improvements throughout.

Player of the day was Max Kiely, not only for his excellent tries but for the leadership skills and work ethic that he displayed throughout both fixtures.

Gymnast of the Week

We are pleased to announce that Henry Beddow, Carys Warrener-Gray and Olivia Swinson have been awarded Gymnasts of the Week.

Little Crackers

Nursery News

Goodness me, it felt like the ‘Beast from the East’ was back this week! Wednesday was a proper blustery day, the sort of day that Winnie the Pooh would have loved, and we had great fun being blown around outside until the wind became so strong we had to retreat and play inside in our ‘gorgeous green den’. We have some keen outdoorsy children in nursery this year, adept at building a pretend campfire and toasting pretend marshmallows. Thank you everyone for sending in wellies, we have been practising our ‘wellie drill’ and everyone is getting really good at the independent ‘shoe swap’.

As the weather changes we will continue to go outside as much as possible, and with this in mind, if your child has any easy waterproof trousers (or a waterproof all in one) it would be really useful to keep in nursery – especially for playing in the mud kitchen and splashing in puddles. Now that we have mastered our footwear, we will start teaching everyone to get into the suits!

Have a great weekend everyone!

Nursery Newsletter



Macmillan Coffee Morning And Drive Through

Friday 28 September from 8.00am

We will be taking part in the Macmillan World's Biggest Coffee Morning again this year.

For those of you that have to get to work we will be offering a drive through tea and coffee service at morning drop off, or if you have a bit more time there will be tea and pastries on the patio area outside the school hall. The children will also get an opportunity to buy cakes at break time at 50p each so please send them in with some change. If you have a child in reception J2, 4 or 6 you have hopefully received an email asking for six small cake/biscuit donations - no nuts please. 

We will be selling loaf cakes for £5 and whole cakes for £10 - all proceeds for the coffee morning go to Macmillan Cancer Support. If you can help out by baking a cake then that would be fantastic. Please let Wendy Farquharson know on wendyfarquharson21@gmail.com 

Many thanks for your support.

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Crackley Hall PTA Welcome Back Barn Dance

Saturday 29 September 2.00pm - 5.00pm

To welcome everyone back to school the PTA are organising a Barn Dance at Wethele Manor on Sunday 29 September from 2.00 - 5.00pm.

Please see the flyer attached below for details.  Please book your tickets online https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/date/551005

We now also have a credit card machine so can take payments at school - we will be around before and after Friday assemblies. This is a catered event so tickets need to be booked before Monday 24 September so we can confirm numbers. We do hope that you will be able to join us for this fun family event and that the children will enjoy getting into the spirit with some Wild West dressing up. It's a great opportunity to catch up with friends and to meet new people. We will also have a bucking bull this year - complete with an electronic scoreboard to add to the excitement!

To view a PDF version of the flyer, please click here.

Crackley Hall Christmas Fayre - Save The Date

Saturday 1 December 1.00pm - 4.00pm

Is it too early to be thinking about Christmas yet? Some might say yes but please save the date as we're sure it will come round quickly!

Also if anybody works for a company that offers matched funding we would love to hear from you. If you work for an organisation that has a match funding policy, any money you raise could be matched by your employer. Companies may match the fundraising total for an event, or for the stall that their employee is working on. Usually, the employee will need to supply them with a letter from the PTA detailing the date and nature of the event, together with the total raised.

We would be grateful if you could see if your employer has a match funding scheme, or if they are willing to match fund any of our events or charity contributions. 

Please email ptachair@crackleyhall.co.uk if you might be able to help.

View Gallery


Lost Property - Naming Items

Parents and carers are advised that all items of your child's property should please be clearly labelled with their name. Should your child lose an item of propery then please mention it to the school office staff. Please note that the item will be listed within the 'Lost Property' section of the Chronicle if it remains lost.  

Crackley Hall School Office

Lost Property


Beatrice Parizzi (J1GR) has lost her named water bottle.

Martha Harris (J6V) has lost two named school blazers

Mikey Bell (J3AV) has lost his Science Apron (last seen Science Room after Mad Science)

Beatrice Parizzi (J1GR) has lost her Pink water bottle (last seen Carline Wednesday)

Joseph Hughes (J3CLH) has lost his watch, blue and football print Velcro strap, analogue (last seen Wednesday J3 & 4 football

Harry Turvey (J4SJM) has lost his coat (since last term), Blazer (Wednesday), Track top (Wednesday)

Lexi-Jean Ellis (Reception)has lost her school hat (Thursday)

Aaron Cooper (J5JR) (after Wednesday sports) – short sleeved school shirt, school tie, tracksuit bottoms, black skins top

Jimmy Loftus (J5R) has lost his black lunch box (named)






Job Vacancy – Assistant Head (Academic) – Crackley Hall School

We seek to appoint an Assistant Head (Academic) as a member of the Senior Management Team to take a major role in determining, implementing and evaluating the agreed aims of the school and all school policies.

The post requires you to promote the smooth running of the School, maintaining the ethos of a caring Christian school family with a Catholic school base.

The successful candidate will work closely with, report to and advise the Headmaster in all areas of school life, with specific responsibility for Academic matters. The Headmaster is assisted by a Deputy Head and three Assistant Heads who, collectively, take full responsibility for the welfare and development of the school and, in his absence, deputise accordingly.

This is an excellent opportunity to join the fast growing Foundation that values its staff and offers a rewarding benefits package including discounted places for staff, a pension scheme, child care vouchers and a cycle to work scheme.

Application: To apply for this vacancy applicants must submit a Crackley Hall application form, together with a CV and covering letter detailing your personal qualities, experience and how you meet the person specification for the role. Applicants must ensure the application form is fully completed, including a detailed career history with specific dates.

Closing date: Wednesday 10 October 2018, at 12 noon and interviews are likely to be held on Monday 15 October (with the possibility of including Tuesday 16 October as an additional day if necessary).

Further details and an application form are available from the school website www.crackleyhall.co.uk/employment-opportunities


Job Vacancy - Foundation Marketing and Communications Co-ordinator

The Foundation is known for its innovative and strategic approach to Marketing and Communications and we seek to appoint, ideally from November 2018, a full-time, year round Foundation Marketing and Communications Co-ordinator to help take this forward.

Key responsibilities will include managing the Foundation’s annual marketing cycle, particularly in support of admissions and pupil recruitment, including a wide range of events, promotional and digital marketing activity.  Part of a busy, friendly and ambitious Marketing, Admissions and Communications Team, this varied role will suit a dynamic individual with relevant experience, excellent written and verbal communications skills, strong organisational and interpersonal skills, creativity and initiative.

This is an excellent opportunity to join the fast growing Foundation that values its staff and offers a rewarding benefits package including discounted places for staff, a pension scheme, child care vouchers and a cycle to work scheme.

Salary:  £25,000 - £32,000 FTE, depending on qualifications and relevant experience.

Members of staff working in the Foundation enjoy a considerable discount on school fees for their own children at Princethorpe College and Crackley Hall School, five weeks’ holiday plus bank holidays, pension contributions, child care vouchers and a cycle to work scheme. 

Application: To apply for this vacancy applicants must submit a Princethorpe College application form, together with a CV and covering letter detailing your personal qualities, experience and how you meet the person specification for the role. Applicants must ensure the application form is fully completed, including a detailed career history with specific dates.

Further details and an application form are available from the College website www.princethorpe.co.uk/employment-opportunities

Closing date: Monday 8 October 2018 at 9.00am with interviews likely to be held on Thursday 11 October, at Princethorpe College.

Job Vacancy - Teacher Of Mathematics (Maternity cover: full-time and part-time considered)

Required for November 2018, after the Michaelmas half term break, a well-qualified graduate to teach Mathematics to KS3 and KS4 in a flourishing and successful department. Familiarity with Pearson’s IGCSE would be an additional recommendation, but is not essential.

Enthusiasm to become involved with the extra-curricular life of the school is essential. Candidates should be able to demonstrate success in the classroom and be effective team players. Full and part-time applications will be considered. 

This is an excellent opportunity to join the fast growing Foundation that values its staff and offers a rewarding benefits package.

Application: To apply for this vacancy applicants must submit a Princethorpe College application form, together with a CV and covering letter detailing your personal qualities, experience and how you meet the person specification for the role. Applicants must ensure the application form is fully completed, including a detailed career history with specific dates.

Candidates are advised to apply immediately as applications will be reviewed as they are received and the closing date may be brought forward.

Further details and an application form are available from the College website www.princethorpe.co.uk/employment-opportunities

Job Vacancy – IT Apprentice

We are looking to recruit an IT Apprentice, at Level 3, to join the busy Foundation IT department, reporting to the Assistant Head (Director of Digital Strategy) and will be based in Princethorpe College with some duties at the Foundation feeder schools, Crackley Hall School in Kenilworth and Crescent School in Rugby. 

The candidate will be a member of the IT Service Desk team providing a front-line service to staff across all three schools and for pupils in the College.

The role would provide the successful candidate with an inside view of the workings and the organisation of a multisite network, implementation procedures of new hardware/software, including expansion and development of existing and new IT services. They will have responsibility for the first point of contact on the ICT helpdesk with all users.

Interested candidates will have good communication and organisational skills, as well as the ability to work on their own and as part of a team. They will be studying an IT related apprenticeship at level three or four. Likely courses are IT, Software and Telecoms Professionals, IT Application Specialist or Infrastructure Technician, although this list is not exhaustive.

An IT Apprenticeship will enable the successful candidate to gain hands on experience; they will be trained to provide support to users on various levels, from toner replacements, stock checks and Audio Visual setups, to supporting end users with any technical and software queries.

Single person accommodation on site may be available.

This is an excellent opportunity to join the fast growing Foundation that values its staff and offers a rewarding benefits package including discounted places for staff, a pension scheme, child care vouchers and a cycle to work scheme.

Application: To apply for this vacancy applicants must submit a Princethorpe College application form, together with a CV and covering letter detailing your personal qualities, experience and how you meet the person specification for the role. Applicants must ensure the application form is fully completed, including a detailed career history with specific dates.

Closing date: Monday 1 October at 9.00am.

Candidates are advised to apply immediately as applications will be reviewed as they are received and the closing date may be brought forward.

Further details and an application form are available from the College website www.princethorpe.co.uk/employment-opportunities