Wednesday 19 September at 7.30pm

We are always looking to welcome new members, so if the PTA is something that you fancy getting involved with we would be very pleased to have you on board.

Our upcoming AGM is on Wenesday 19 September at 7.30pm at school. We will review events, fundraising and spending for the past year and will vote in the officers for the coming year. Following that, we will have our first ordinary meeting on the same evening.

The committee gets together once per half term and would really welcome some new faces.

Please email us on if you need any further information or would like to be added to our email list.

Macmillan Coffee Morning And Drive Through

Friday 28 September from 8.00am

We will be taking part in the Macmillan World's Biggest Coffee Morning again this year.

For those of you that have to get to work we will be offering a drive through tea and coffee service at morning drop off, or if you have a bit more time there will be tea and pastries on the patio area outside the school hall.

The children will also get an opportunity to buy cakes at break time at 50p each so please send them in with some change.

If you have a child in Reception, J2,4 or 6 you will receive an email asking for 6 small cake/biscuit donations - no nuts please.

Many thanks for your support.

Crackley Hall PTA Welcome Back Barn Dance

Saturday 29th September 2.00pm - 5.00pm

To welcome everyone back to school the PTA are organising a Barn Dance at Wethele Manor on Saturday 29 September from 2.00pm - 5.00pm.

Please see the attached flyer for details and a link to book your tickets online

It is a catered event so tickets need to be booked before Monday 24 September so we can confirm numbers.

We do hope that you will be able to join us for this fun family event and the children will enjoy getting into the spirit with some Wild West dressing up.

It's a great opportunity to catch up with friends and to meet new people. 

To view a PDF version of the flyer, please click here.

Crackley Hall Christmas Fayre - Save The Date

Saturday 1 December 1.00pm - 4.00pm

Is it too early to be thinking about Christmas yet? Some might say yes, but please save the date as we're sure it will come round quickly!

Also, if anybody works for a company that offers matched funding we would love to hear from you. If you work for an organisation that has a match funding policy, any money you raise could be matched by your employer. Companies may match the fundraising total for an event, or for the stall that their employee is working on. Usually, the employee will need to supply them with a letter from the PTA detailing the date and nature of the event, together with the total raised. We would be grateful if you could see if your employer has a match funding scheme, or if they are willing to match fund any of our events or charity contributions. Please email if you might be able to help. 

Thank you for your support. 

PTA On Twitter @CrackleyHallPTA

Reminder: The PTA have a Twitter presence. It would be great if you would follow us @CrackleyHallPTA to keep up-to-date with all our latest news and any last minute help requests!