Little Crackers

Nursery News

This week we have continued with our theme, ‘all about me’.  If you get chance, please have a look at our self-portraits on display in the corridor near the main office, they are fabulous!  We used the mirror to look at our eyes, noses and mouths, and pulled funny faces too, before painting what we saw.  As we move into next week we continue with this theme as we begin to talk more about the important people in our lives, and how we are related to them – we have already started to look at some photos and hear about cousins, uncles, aunts and grandparents, as well as brothers, sisters and mums and dads.  One a different note, thank you very much for sending in wellies, we had a ‘big welly check’ on Wednesday morning when the rain came to play, and it was good to be able to splash in the puddles.  As you can imagine, we have a lot of little people dealing with lots of little shoes so having names in things really helps, but it was wonderful to see how many of our children were able to manage their shoes and wellies themselves, well done! 

Have a great weekend, hopefully enjoying a bit more late summer sun, and if you are out and about please bring in some of the bits and bobs that you find for our Autumn collections – we love to chat about what we find.
