Headmaster's Message

Headmaster's Welcome

Dear Parents

I do hope that your family have now settled into the routine of school and that the children are enjoying being back with their friends.  I have managed to catch up with several parents this week, either in the mornings or after school, or whilst visiting the various parent information evenings and I look forward to meeting our new parents next week.  Monday evening will be an opportunity for all our new families from Reception to J6 to meet the school staff and learn a little more about the school and the year ahead.

Whilst today was tinged with sadness when I attended Mary O’Farrell’s funeral, I also had chance to reflect on what a wonderful, full and holy life she enjoyed and understand how much she meant to so many people.  I am sure that Crackley Hall staff, parents and pupils both past and present will have their own special memories of Mary.  There will be a non-uniform day held later this term to raise money for Myton Hospice and I am also going to arrange for an additional wooden bench in our Prayer Garden in memory of Mary.  Should you wish to make a separate donation to the hospice, please use the following link www.justgiving.com/fundraising/Mary-O-Farrell

Before I left school for Mary’s service this morning I was impressed by the number of awards and achievements that were accumulated by the children during the summer holiday.    Congratulations to all of our Stars of the Week: Beatrice, Henry, Arthur, Amy, Lawson, Sebastian, Scarlett, Aaron, George, all of J4J, Matilda, Annabel, Carys, Martha, Caitlin.

I would like to congratulate Conor on his fantastic singing performance at this morning’s assembly – a super way to start the school year.  Although there have not been many sports fixtures as yet, preparations and training sessions are taking place so that our teams are ready and raring to go when the time calls.

My thanks are extended to Mrs Jackson-Mayne for co-ordinating the Service of Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament for J5 and J6 which took place this week.  This was hosted by Archbishop Bernard Longley from his Chapel in Birmingham and was streamed live to all schools across the Diocese of Birmingham.  This was the first time that our students have had this opportunity to join a live sermon over the internet.

I am pleased to let you all know that Crackley Hall now has a defibrillator located in school.  This is due to the generosity of our hard working PTA.  The defibrillator can be used by anyone, no training needed and has been registered with the ambulance service should they need to direct a member of the public to the facility.  Please try and support our PTA through the various events that they meticulously plan; everything they do benefits your children and the school.  The AGM takes place next Wednesday at 7.00 pm the School Hall and this would be a marvellous opportunity for you to meet the members.

I would also welcome many new faces on the committee to help those who already do so much – not all roles require a lot of work and most require no form of public speaking, etc.

I know that some parents have enquired about the holiday club facility available at Crackley Hall and I can confirm that during the October half term, this will be available for both weeks.  Details on how to book will be released by the end of next week.  It is hoped to be able to extend this provision to include the Christmas Inset days, February half term,  two weeks at Easter and all of July should there be sufficient demand.

As we start a new school year, it can take a few weeks for children, parents and staff to become used to routines and expectations, especially if you are new.  Please do feel that you can contact a member of the friendly and helpful office team or your child’s class teacher for almost anything.  They would be delighted to help you and, if unable, will put you in contact with the right person.  I find that by going straight to the source of information, or where you feel that the information should be coming from, you will receive the answer you need or help us to provide a better solution in the future.  We will always strive to continue to provide the highest level of service and care for every child and, in this, I encourage teamwork and ongoing dialogue between home and school.

Thank you for all the lovely chats and good humour over the past week; thank you for helping us in doing the best we can. 

I hope that you all have a restful and happy weekend.

God bless,


Robert Duigan