Time For New School Shoes?

The PTA have signed up for a loyalty scheme with Naturally Kids, a new shoe shop in Leamington. It’s a great scheme that benefits both the PTA and parents. Please see the attached leaflet for further details and keep an eye out for loyalty cards appearing in your child’s book bag.


Save The Date For the PTA

We hope you all have a lovely and relaxing summer but for those of you who like to look ahead here are the dates for some activities we have planned for next school year:

16 September Welcome Back Barn Dance

19 September 7.30pm PTA AGM followed by an Ordinary Meeting

28 September Macmillan Coffee Morning

1 December Christmas Fayre

9 February Winter Ball 

22 March Headmaster's Quiz

11 May Family Fun Day


PTA Raise A Small Fortune With Foundation Help

Firstly, well done to you all!

Once again it's been a busy and fun packed school year for Crackley Hall School. The PTA has organised many events and activities throughout the school year with the aim of bringing the community together and raising extra funds for the children. 

We are very pleased to be able to announce that we have raised over £15,000 this year, which is an amazing amount and we would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who has contributed in any way. 

Here are some of the things we have been able to buy or fund this year with some of the money:


Hockey Nets


Walkie Talkies

Mad Science Workshop

Playground Equipment

Bollywood Dance Workshop

Picnic Blankets

Netball Bibs

Winter Sports Coats

Garden trough and planting

£500 assigned for books for the Library 

Easter Eggs

Contribution to the J6 Leavers' party

Pantomime performance for all pupils

Charity contributions

We would also like to say a massive thank you to all the PTA volunteers who have given up their time this year and especially to those who have reached the end of their time at Crackley. We wish them all the very best and thank them for all their help over the years. It does mean that we will be looking for new members next year so if you would like to know anything or wish to get more involved then please get in touch via - and do come along to our first meeting in September if you can.



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