Little Crackers

Nursery News

Can you believe it… the summer is almost here, and the holiday for some of us begins at the end of next week!  If your child is in the pre-school please don’t forget Graduation next Wednesday, details are in the newsletter.  Lots of you have been finding out about your new Reception classes this week, it all sounds very exciting and we love hearing all your ‘new class news!’  As some of us reach the end of the academic year many of you are looking forward to nursery in the summer… I know there are lots of lovely activities planned and lets keep our fingers crossed that the weather stays sunny, it will soon be super scooter time!  Have a lovely weekend, stay cool in the sun and keep your eyes peeled for the Kenilworth Carnival if you are out and about on Saturday!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone. Please make sure you read this week's Newsletter as it's packed with all the information you'll need.   


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