
U8 Boys

U8 'A' Cricket vs Bilton Grange 279/6 - 329/4 (loss)

Player of the Match - Eden Oshri

U9 Boys

U9 Boys Cricket vs Bilton Grange (mixed 'A' & 'B' Teams)

Victory in first game by 30 runs

Loss in second game by just 1 run

U10 Boys

U10 'A' Cricket vs Balsall Common - Win


U11 Girls

U11 Rounders Tournament at The Croft School

Group Matches:

CH vs Bablake 'A' 10.5-14 (loss)

CH vs Croft 'B' 12-6 (win)

CH vs Solihull 9-5 (win)

Semi Finals:

CH vs Warwick loss 3.5-3 (loss)

The Chronicle has been told that the girls played the best Mrs Vaughan and Miss Jones have seen and they were desperately unlucky not to reach the final. That said, we have it on good authority that it prepared our girls well for the ISA Midlands Tournament.


U11 Boys

U11 'A' Cricket vs Balsall Common - loss

Player of the Match: Fynn Walker

Match report to follow next week.


House Rounders

1st - Jupiter

2nd - Saturn

3rd - Venus

4th - Mars

Gymnast of the Week

We are pleased to announce that Leo Warne and Dillon Horan have been awarded Gymnast of the Week.