Little Crackers

Nursery News

Welcome back everyone who has been off on holiday adventures, and we would like to send a hearty ‘get well soon’ to everyone who has been dealing with chicken pox… Hopefully this will clear through soon and everyone will have a spot free summer ahead of them!  Just a quick reminder, if you do have spots, please stay away until the last one heals over – everyone has been so good about this and it is much appreciated. 

This week we have been meeting our new pets… as we begin that time in the term when we think about growth and change we have caterpillars to watch, and stick insects to take care of! The caterpillars should take a week or so to eat their fill and build their cocoons… and then we sit and wait, with our fingers crossed, for butterflies! If you have any books at home, or photos you have taken that can add to our life cycle and growth displays then we would love to see them.  Don’t forget Sports Day on Thursday, and please keep your fingers crossed for good weather! 

Please make sure you read this week's newsletter as it's packed with all the information you'll need.  Please don’t forget Sports Day Thursday 14 June at 9.30am! 


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