
Good Shepherd Mass

Thank you to the 12 pupils from Junior 4 and 5 who made Mrs Jackson-Mayne extremely proud this week when they attended the Good Shepherd’s Mass at the Holy Family Church in Coventry.

Pupils walked down the aisle proudly waving our banner, made by parents two years ago and presented a cheque for £162.30 to the Father Hudson’s society.

This money was collected in the Good Shepherd Boxes during Lent, many of the boxes had been filled with children’s own pocket money. We sang and prayed together, joining with several schools in the diocese and the children were excellent ambassadors for the school.


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RE Book Of The Week

The RE Book of the Week is awarded to:

Lucas, Teddy, Conor, Iman, Aryan and Roshan in Year 4 for leading collective worship this week.