Headmaster's Message

Headmaster's Welcome

Dear Parents

Today’s message will be a relatively brief one as I have not long returned from the annual Junior 6 visit to France.  Our visit was a tremendous success with all 46 children and 6 staff enjoying the French cuisine (including escargot), weather, history and culture.  I am sure that all the parents and children will be delighted to be reunited with each other this afternoon and there will be many tales to tell from the visit.  Hopefully parents have been able to keep up to date with the activities via Twitter and my thanks to Mr Lamprecht for his regular postings.  I would like to thank all the staff involved in the visit both in terms of preparation and whilst in France for their contribution; without them this visit could not take place.

There was some wonderful news last week for our Nursery when Mrs O’Carroll-Bailey attended an award ceremony, on behalf of Little Crackers, and was presented with a beautifully framed certificate.  This celebrated Little Crackers as being one of 40 pre-school providers in Warwickshire, and the only one in Kenilworth, to be awarded the Kite Mark for providing enhanced provision.  Settings who receive this award have to be either ‘Good’ or ‘Outstanding’ and are recognised for the high quality of enhanced provision supporting young children and had to demonstrate excellent “universal” provision.  Congratulations to our Nursery staff on this well-deserved recognition.

Mr Cottrill has been keeping me informed regarding the rest of the school whilst I have been in France and I understand that the Good Shepherd Mass was a joyous event which saw Crackley Hall donate a cheque for £162.30 towards the Father Hudson’s Charity.  Thank you to Mrs Jackson-Mayne and Mrs Simmonds for co-ordinating this collection.  A huge thank you goes to Mr Cottrill for his help whilst I was away with the Junior 6’s – I am most grateful to him, Ms Dyer and all the staff who carried an extra workload over the past week.

Junior 2 enjoyed a lovely day wandering around Kenilworth Castle; luckily the clouds lifted and the sun managed to break through during the afternoon.  I am grateful to Mrs Hardwick and Mrs Malcolm for leading this visit.

Mrs Rochford will be reducing her hours from the start of next term to spend more time with her family and running her own clinic.  However, I am pleased to let you know that you will still be able to see Mrs Rochford in school on a Monday and Friday between 1.00 pm and 4.00 pm.

Well done to our stars of the week, our recipients of the RE book of the week and the other awards.  Congratulations to Emily and Jia for singing so well and to Noah on his fine performance on the violin – I heard that they were all fantastic.

The Crackley Hall 2018 School Production will soon be upon us and I have seen some of the rehearsals already; it promises to be an amazing event!  Now that the title of the show has been decided ‘A Musical Journey of Wonders’, a front cover for the programme is needed and I would encourage all children to submit an entry for this competition.  The half term holiday will be an ideal opportunity to work on this and I look forward to helping judge the winning cover.  More details of how to enter can be found later in the Chronicle.

All that remains for me to say is to wish you all the most relaxing bank holiday and half term with your family and I look forward to seeing you all again at the start of the final part of Trinity Term – it will be a busy one.

God bless,


Robert Duigan