
RE Book Of The Week

RE Book of the Week is awarded to Theodora Baldasseri of J2M.  Mrs Jackson-Mayne (RE Coordinator and J5J Class Teacher) informed the Chronicle that the children had looked at the words of the Our Father. 

Impressively, Theodora was able to tell the class about forgiveness through the use of an illustration; namely of God being at the top and how we can feel guilty if we move away from him through sin, yet through reconciliation and penance, we can move back to God again.


Ascension Day Mass

Thank you to all the pupils who helped to celebrate Mass yesterday afternoon. During the Mass pupils reflected on the wonder of the Ascension and had the opportunity to think about the ways we can see God all around us, in the people we meet and the things we see.

Next Mass will be the Holy Communion Mass which will be celebrated at St Francis on Friday 8 June, all are welcome.


Junior 3 Enjoy Sharing A Passover Meal

Junior 3 participated in a Passover Meal during their RE lesson on Tuesday 8 May.  Sharing the meal helped pupils to understand the origins of the Holy Eucharist that we now share at Mass.

Pupils took on the roles of a Jewish family celebrating the feast of Passover and enjoyed sharing a meal together. Father Kevin helped to explain the significance of using the matzah bread and the seder plate. The pupils were extremely knowledgeable and asked lots of question.  It was super to see that they had remembered so much from their work on Judaism back in the school's One World Week.

During the afternoon pupils were also able to try the bitter herbs and the sweet paste to remind them of the story of Moses freeing the Israelites from slavery.

All the Holy Communicants took part in the afternoon to help them prepare for the Sacrament of Holy Communion.

Our thanks go to Mrs Simmonds for kindly preparing the food.

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