
RE Book Of The Week

RE Book of the Week is awarded to Jimmy Loftus in Year 4 for his written work, in the character of one of the Disciples. Jimmy was able to explore the impact of Jesus on their lives and the lives of others.









May Procession Honours Mary, The Mother Of God

On Tuesday the sun shone for a short while on Junior 3 and 4 as they took part in Crackley Hall’s annual May procession to honour Mary, the Mother of God.

After a short presentation led by Mrs Jackson-Mayne, where she, Zach Rose, Teddy Cowdry and Amy Farquharson led a decade of the rosary, volunteers from both year groups led a decade of the rosary before the pupils processed outside following Amelia Hunt, Sam Beaman-Henderson, Francesca Voisey, Thomas Zanyi and Harry Turvey who led the way as Holy Communicants to the statue of Mary.

Pupils sang the Hail Mary prayer as Amelia Hunt put a crown of flowers on Mary’s head. Thanks to Mrs Simmonds who baked cakes for the occasion, Mrs Duigan who laid them out in the shape of the rosary to remind everyone that May is a special month where we remember Mary and say the rosary.

Afterwards it was back to the hall to reflect on these teachings and this special day by making a rosary bracelet from beads.   




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Passover Meal - Tuesday 8 May

Junior 3 are involved in a Passover meal with the Holy Communicants to help them make links between the Eucharist at Mass, the Last Supper and the Passover Meal. This will take place in their RE lesson on Tuesday.





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Next Mass - Thursday 10 May

We would be delighted to welcome you all to our next whole school mass on Thursday 10 May, this will be to celebrate the Feast of the Ascension and will take place in the Gables at 2pm.