
Stars Of The Week

Our Stars of the Week this week are:

Nursery  Shuvan Banerjee
Reception  Olivia Holden
J1G  Ralph Richardson
J1W  Jakob Baddon
J2M  Joshua Currie
J2H  Harry Gibson
J3V  Oliver Ferguson
J4H  Lily Carroll
J4J  Daisymay McMurdo
J5G  Caitlin Horan
J5R  Poppy Clarke - Bryan
J5V  Evangeline Upstone-Wells
J6H  Jaime Phillips
J6L  Benedek Kordas

Crackley Crowned Champions At Jaguar Primary Schools’ Challenge Regional Final

After all the preparations, the plans, the discussions, the designs and the build it was finally time to plug in the compressed air canisters and get down to some serious racing at this year’s Jaguar Primary School Challenge Regional Final. 

The team ‘Speed Stingers’, comprising Junior 4’s Jimmy Loftus, Soren Wasley, Zach Rose and Cadie Hardwick, had been fiendishly busy working hard to prepare for the big day. 

The challenge requires teams to research, design, manufacture, test, promote and race the fastest car possible using standard chassis and engine housing nets with a car body made only from card. It is a technical brief but one that has proven to really engage potential future engineers. 

As soon as they parked up at Princethorpe College the team leapt into action setting up their pit display. Crackley’s team boards and table displays looked smart and professional. Bright colours and eye-catching graphics told the visual story of their journey so far. 

After a welcome from Mr Hester, Headmaster at Princethorpe College, they were on to their first task, the Engineering judging where the team were examined on their car design and manufacturing process.  The team then got quickly working on the Additional Challenge, which they were set on the day, a Design Technology Challenge to manufacture a display stand and carry case for their racing car.  The focus of the exercise was once again to test the team’s ability to work together, delegate, design and manufacture.  

After a swift break for lunch the team gave their five minute verbal presentation. The judges were looking at technique, composition and knowledge of subject matter. 

And then finally it was time to get down to the serious business of racing. This was, after all, what the whole challenge has been about. Team Speed Stingers carefully set up their car for a head-to-head down the race track and prepared themselves quietly and calmly for the competition. The cardboard Formula One cars flew down the track recording lightning-quick times. In a matter of seconds, it was all over. 

Standards had been incredibly high and after a day’s worth of demonstration, presentations and racing the judges got down to their deliberations and analysing the scores. 

Speed Stingers waited calmly but confidently, they knew it would be a close call but when the results were announced they could hardly believe it.  Not only had they won the award for 'Best Engineered Car', they had also won 'Best Additional Challenge', 'Best Portfolio and Pit Display' and best of all the team had taken first place overall and had only gone and earned themselves a place in the National Finals at the british Motor Museum in June. 

Mrs Hardwick and Mrs Spillane who helped guide the Crackley Hall team were jubilant, “What an amazing day. Our Crackley Hall pupils have worked so hard. They’ve dealt with the pressure of competition brilliantly and we are so very proud of them.” 

Thanks must also go to the team's sponsors Laser Tools, Windshear, Chapter Agency and MTC (The Manufacturing Technology Centre), and of course the children’s parents.  We are very grateful for all your support.  

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First Aid Essentials For Junior 6

Junior 6 had an exciting start to the week learning some essential and important life skills – the basics of First Aid.  Let’s hope they never have to help anyone in an emergency who is choking, unconscious or seriously hurt, but at least they all now know how they can help and what they should do.

In groups the children explored how to assess and manage risks, how to make informed choices when helping others and developed the confidence and skill to help in a first aid emergency.

The children participated in training that involved a variety of practical and engaging activities allowing Junior 6 to practice and perfect their first aid skills.  As you can see, the children were very keen to demonstrate their learning and very much enjoyed trying out the techniques on each other!

Our junior first aiders now know what to do if someone was unresponsive and unconscious (Dr ABC), how to deal with a burn, a bump, a break or a serious bleed and how to help someone who is choking.

Thank you to Emily Illston from Mini First Aid, Warwickshire, for running these instructive first aid sessions.

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Grandparents And Parishioners Enjoy Crackley Cream Tea

Despite somewhat miserable weather outside the School Hall reverberated with friendly chatter and the clink of china tea cups as local parishioners and grandparents enjoyed an afternoon of entertainment and a very special Crackley Hall cream tea. Organised by Crackley Hall’s Minnie Vinnies, the junior arm of the St Vincent de Paul Society, plates piled high with scones, strawberries, jam and cream were served to a hall full of guests.

The special tea took place on the afternoon of Tuesday 24 April and along with their refreshments parishioners and grandparents had a full programme of entertainment to enjoy. Pupils from across the school took turns to perform. This year the entertainment included the talented Choral Speaking Group as well as the Orchestra, Chamber Choir and Choral Group, they all performed their pieces with confidence and panache much to the delight of the gathered guests. Then there were a number of individual solo performances with Chenchen Pan playing a simply stunning piano solo. The afternoon’s entertainment culminated with 90 children on stage and a stirring rendition of ‘The Rhythm of Life’.

After the entertainment came the cream tea and our Mini Vinnies carefully carried out laden trays, cake stands and pots of tea for the guests to enjoy. They approached the tables a little shyly at first, but were soon chatting happily with their guests.

Mr Rob Duigan, the Headmaster, popped in to welcome everyone to the school and to thank Mrs Dolores Simmonds for helping the Mini Vinnies organise the community event.

Mrs Simmonds, Mini Vinnies Co-ordinator, said, “The underlying purpose of the St Vincent de Paul ethos is to make a difference to people’s lives. Crackley Hall and our Mini Vinnies have laid on a wonderful afternoon for our local community which was clearly thoroughly enjoyed.”

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Stay ‘n’ Play Love Little Signers Sing, Sign And Rhyme

Little Crackers was delighted to welcome Little Signers to our Stay ‘n’ Play toddler group session on Wednesday 25 April.  Rachael Hewitt from the Little Signers Club, Warwickshire, ran a short interactive session that used familiar nursery songs to teach the parents and children some basic signs.

This was Rachel’s first visit to Stay ‘n’ Play and our families really enjoyed learning some of the British Sign Language based communication skills.  The Sing, Sign and Rhyme class had the children enthralled and they were quickly joining in singing and signing along to old favourites such as ‘Wheels on the bus’ and ‘Wind the bobbin up’.

Research shows that signing has a number of benefits that include developing communication skills, strengthening the bond between parent and child and helping the development of language and literacy skills.

The session was just one from a regular programme of visiting activities at our Stay ‘n’ Play toddler group that runs every Wednesday morning from 10.00 to 11.30am at Little Crackers during term-time.  Next month we welcome the dance group Little Rascals; they will be visiting Stay ‘n’ Play on Wednesday 23 May. 

Little Signers offer regular classes for parents and children from babies to primary school age where they can enjoy learning the signs together.  Little Signers can be contacted by email on or by calling Rachael on 07939 453445.  

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