Headmaster's Message

Headmaster's Welcome

Dear Parents

I hope you and your family enjoyed the Easter break.  The children certainly seemed to have settled back into school very quickly and it is lovely to see the energy and industry in classrooms.  We especially welcome Annabel (J4) and Sebastian (J1) and their families to Crackley Hall.  Annabel was with us at Little Crackers and has had two older sisters attend Crackley Hall.  We also welcome Mrs Gurinder Kaur as a teaching assistant and Mrs Vicky Gibson as a volunteer teaching assistant on a part-time basis.

Although this has been a short school week, it has been relatively busy and looking at the term ahead, there are so many events and activities planned for the next 11 weeks.  I am sure Trinity term will pass incredibly quickly.  During the Easter holiday, school remained open to Nursery children, Holiday Club was enjoyed by those that attended and I can also let you know that we have a new library, but more on that news later. 

I have been very interested to hear what the children have been doing during the Easter holidays; countries visited, the learning of new skills, days with extended families and in some cases, raising money for charity.  It is wonderful to hear of the opportunities that the children experience outside of school and these can only help to enrich their lives and gain a better understanding of the world around them.

The change into summer uniform appears to be particularly well timed given the recent weather and I hope that it continues at least over the weekend.  May I remind all parents that we have had a significant amount of uniform in school that remains in lost property, unnamed.  Due to limited space in school we cannot keep these items indefinitely and any items not claimed by the end of Monday will be either given to the PTA for selling on or taken to a local charity shop. 

As you may remember, last term I mentioned the trial of new lunchtime arrangements where children will be grouped in houses during lunchtime rather than year groups.  This trial has been extended into the Trinity term before we decide if it will become a permanent arrangement.   

I was delighted to see so many of you in assembly this morning and I hope that you had the opportunity to look at the marvellous models made by our Junior 6 classes.  Mrs Horan told me about the fantastic efforts and we agreed that they just had to be put on display for all to see.  Well done to all J6!

Although it was a long assembly today, the children were very respectful and appreciative of one another’s achievements.  It was super to hear the recorder group and choral group perform – they were both fantastic.  I was equally proud of both Olivia and Connor who each sung superbly in front of the whole school.  Well done to all the children!  Congratulations too to all the recipients of other awards, particularly those who received their music or LAMDA certificates.  Our performing arts department is certainly producing the goods and the children are working really hard.

Wishing you all a restful and relaxing weekend with your families.

God bless,


Robert Duigan