Headmaster's Message

Headmaster's Welcome

Dear Parents

It has been an exceptionally busy week, even by Crackley Hall standards.  I will not write too much in my letter to you because I know that this week’s events will be described in more detail in other parts of the Chronicle.  I think even the children would find it hard to choose their favourite part of this week; possibly one of the school visits as part of One World Week, one of the activities within school, the Performing Arts evening or maybe the school disco organised by the PTA. 

Thank you so much to Mrs Jackson-Mayne for arranging the visits and activities this week; the children and staff have learned a great deal about other faiths and cultures which, I believe, is incredibly important, if not essential.  Today’s assembly bore testament to this.

I am most grateful, as ever, to Fr Kevin for celebrating Mass at school on Ash Wednesday.  I was pleased that parishioners, past members of staff, parents and grandparents could join us as we marked the beginning of Lent.  The school community has been challenged to reflect, repent and to pray a little more during Lent as we attend a little more closely to our spiritual lives.  Let us all be strong together in our resolve to keep to our Lenten promises.  We need to be more aware of others – clearly borne out in One World Week and covered in many RE lessons, for example, through the parable of the Sheep and the Goats – we need to listen to our moral and social conscience at all times and to consider how we can help the marginalised in our world.  Thank you to Mrs Jackson-Mayne, the J5G class, Mrs Olden and Mrs Simmonds for their preparation for the Mass.

I can confirm that the children’s mid-year reports will be available for you to read towards the end of next week - and this will be via the Parent Portal system.   An email will be sent to inform you when it is available to view and I hope that you will find this a more user friendly method of receiving your child’s report.  Any matters you wish to raise as a result of comments within the report may be addressed during the forthcoming Parent Consultation Evenings on 6 and 8 March.

As many of our Key Stage 2 parents will testify to, the Performing Arts Evening was another resounding success and the children somehow found plenty of energy to entertain the audience at the end of another busy school day.    My thanks to those staff members who work tirelessly in ensuring that the arrangements and performances are as wonderful as you may have witnessed.  Mrs Olden, Mrs Wildey, Miss Kefalas, Mr Hardwick, the Office Team, the PTA, and not to mention the children, all deserve to ‘stand on stage’ for a round of applause.

Well done to all our stars of the week and to all our children for their super messages in assembly today.

Although you and your family are about to embark on a week of half term holiday, I would like to remind you that when we return to school on 26 February there will be LAMDA examinations and our Key Stage 1 Performing Arts afternoon to look forward to.

Whatever your plans for half term, I wish you a happy and relaxing time with your family.


God bless,



Robert Duigan