Headmaster's Message

Headmaster's Welcome

Dear Parents

Today will be a brief contribution from me due to the fact that I will be accompanying J4 and J5 on the Young Voices visit to Genting Arena.  I have been fortunate to join this trip for several years now and enjoy it immensely.  The energy and enthusiasm of all the children is almost palpable and I hope those of you that are also attending enjoy the evening too.  Keep a look out on the Young Voices webcams and you may just see the Crackley Hall contingent singing and dancing.  I know this will be a late night for all of those involved but I am sure that it will be another memorable occasion.  My thanks to Mrs Olden and the Office team for co-ordinating the arrangements.

Congratulations to all of our Stars of the Week and everyone else who received an award this morning. They are all well-deserved.

Well done to to Elsie Roots for being an excellent assistant to Father David when he visited the school this week. She very ably helped demonstrate the different signs and symbols used in the Sacrament of the Sick. 

Yiyang Pan and Willow Rochford performed beautifully this morning - such promise for two so young! Equally excellent was our super choral group who work so hard with Mrs Olden. It’s always a joy listening to them.

I was very proud to be able to cheer on Lily Carroll and Eva Plevin on Sunday.  They both swam exceptionally well and achieved personal bests at the Olympic pool in London when they took part in the ISA National Swimming  Gala.  There can’t be many people who can say they’ve swam in that pool and I’m sure they probably experienced some nerves as they prepared to compete - well done to both young ladies! Thanks you very much to Mrs Vaughan for managing the Midlands team.

Unfortunately the weather interfered with some sports matches this week but the girls netball teams created their own storm on the court and confidently won all 3 matches against Kingsley. Caitlin Horan, Amisha Modi and Eva Plevin were all named as player of the match in their respective games.

I hope that you all have a restful weekend and may see some of you, from a distance, whilst performing as part of the Young Voices choir.


God Bless


Robert Duigan