Little Crackers

Nursery News

This week has really flown by, with so many exciting things going on.  We all joined in to tell the story of The Little Red Hen, and after finding out how the animals who didn’t help weren’t able to taste the bread, everyone was keen to join in when Miss Gail made bread with us!  It was lovely soda bread and many of us we were able to enjoy it for our snack as well as take some home. 

Miss Gail also celebrated her birthday this week, and as she was ‘a very important number’ Mr Duigan popped in to help us sing to her and give her some lovely flowers! 

Miss Jane painted some red hens for our new story display, and Miss Lisa has been so proud of her pre-school group this week as they are finding sounds in their names and getting much better at holding their pencils correctly to write the letters. 

Our ‘extremely enormous ipad on the wall’ has been so useful when practising our anti-clockwise writing shapes, we can do some very big writing when we want to!  Have a great weekend, see you next week.

For further details of the 'fun and goings-on' with Nursery please click on the attached link.

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