
Stars Of The Week

Our Stars of the Week this week are:

Nursery  Theo Hamblett
Reception G  Evie Kettle
J1G  Miley Mercer
J1W  George Hunter
J2H  Alexander Hammond
J2M  Milana Lambeth
J3V  Maxwell Kiely
J4H  Arun Bilkhu
J4J  Amy Farquharson
J5R  India Ferguson
J5V  Amelie Read
J5G  Joe McCullough
J6H  Emily Hennegan
J6L  Wahab Khan


Crackley Mathematicians Qualify For Primary Maths Challenge Bonus Round

Three able Crackley Hall School mathematicians are set to pit their wits against children from around the world in the Bonus Round of a mathematics competition in February.

Back in November seven children from the school’s Mathematics Club took part in the Primary Maths Challenge (PMC), a competition for pupils who enjoy problem solving puzzles full of interesting and stimulating mathematics. The PMC is a test with multiple-choice questions which develops mathematical reasoning skills and it is aimed at pupils in Years 5 and 6.

68,000 pupils from almost 1,700 schools took part in the 2017 Challenge and Crackley Hall was delighted that all seven Crackley participants were awarded certificates of achievement.  However, it has just been confirmed that three pupils, Annika Saravanan J6, Erin King J6 and Alistair Darnell J5, achieved scores good enough to secure them a place in the Bonus Round of the competition which will be held on Wednesday 7 February.  

Jayne Geran, Assistant Head Academic and Key Stage 2, said, “Annika, Erin and Alistair should be incredibly proud of qualifying for this extra stage, as getting to the Bonus Round is a great achievement and shows just how talented they are. What is most satisfying though, is to see how much fun they have had along the way.”

Jaguar Primary School Challenge

Would you like to sponsor our Jaguar Primary School Challenge?

If you work with or for a company that you think may be interested in supporting 'Speed Stingers', our 'F1 in Schools - Jaguar Primary School Challenge' team, we would like to invite you to into school next week to watch their presentation to see if you would like to help them through sponsorship or support more formally.

The presentation will take place on Wednesday 24 January at 4.00pm. If you would like to find out more about sponsoring the team or to attend this event, please email Mrs Spillane -

Each year, Jaguar Land Rover runs its 'F1 in Schools - Jaguar Primary School Challenge', and, once again, Crackley Hall are excited to be putting a team of four forward. Our team is called ‘Speed Stingers’ and we are taking part in the Regional Finals on 26 April at Princethorpe College. The link for more information about the JLR Primary School Challenge is: Please take a look if you have time.



J6's Thirst for Knowledge Quenched with Hydrology

This week J6 ventured to the wild open spaces of Coombe Abbey Country Park to take to the waters as part of their Geography curriculum. What is normally the playground for Coventry was turned over to scientific analaysis as our budding Geographers first learnt about and then recorded the features of a river channel. Pooh sticks in hand they analysed speed of flow and considered water systems and channel erosion.

Then, with net, magnifier and ID card at the ready they were off to Coombe's Top Pool to discover the aquatic bio-diversity on offer. Shrieks of delight could be heard as dragon fly lava made themselves known from between the leaf litter of each child's tray. Such a busy day was rounded off nicely with lunch and a quick scoot around the children's playground before this weary group of pupils boarded the bus for the short trip home. 

An energised Mrs Lammas (J6L Class Teacher and Geography Co-ordinator) summed up the warm feeling, "Trips like these take the subject from the page and into the real world, the memories of which, and hopefully a love of Geography, will stay with them for life".  

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Crackley Hall Welcomes Visitors On Open Day

Five times a year Crackley Hall throws its doors wide open to welcome prospective pupils and parents into school.  It is their chance to see what is so very special about Crackley Hall and what makes it a place that has been described as the ‘next best place to home’ by its pupils.

The latest Open Day took place this week on Tuesday 16 January 2018 and the school was pleased to welcome lots of interested parents and would be pupils.

Rob Duigan, Headmaster commented, “We were delighted with the level of interest in admission to the school.  We know many families who already have children at the school will have recommended it to friends, but our ‘Excellent’ grades achieved across the board in the recent ISI inspection has clearly heightened parental interest."  

Pupils from Year 6 took visitors on a tour of the school, confidently answering questions whilst they showcased the school’s fantastic facilities.  Staff and pupils in other years continued with their normal lessons but welcomed visitors to their classrooms warmly.  Parents were able to talk with staff and children and afterwards meet Mr Duigan.

Parents are reminded that the deadline for applications for admission to Reception in September 2018 is early next month, Monday 5 February.   Parents interested in applying for places in other years, current Reception to Junior 5,  are advised to contact Jenny Vaughan, Admissions and Marketing Secretary on or 01926 514410 to enquire about availability.

Crackley’s next Open Morning takes place on Saturday 10 March from 10.30am to 12.30pm and will include tours, performances and activities showcasing the school.  

Date For Your Diaries - New Princethorpe College Open Morning

Tuesday 20 March 2018, 10.30am to 12.30pm 

Princethorpe College is pleased to announce a new Open Event date for your diaries. On Tuesday 20 March, the College will be open to visitors from 10.30am to 12.30pm. A perfect opportunity to view the school on a normal working day, with pupils from Years 7 and 8 acting as tour guides (so you may see a familiar face or two!).

All are welcome and there is no need to book. For further information, please contact the Registrar, Mrs Vanessa Rooney on 01926 634201 or at  

The College’s next Open Event after the March Open Morning will be the Open Evening on Wednesday 6 June 2018 from 6.00pm to 8.30pm.