Little Crackers

Nursery News

Many of you will have noticed that we had a bit of a change round at the end of last week, all ready for a new start in the New Year! We ‘test drove’ the new set up today and it was a big thumbs up from everyone.  The most exciting corner seems to be the one we didn’t plan, (obviously!) as the children used the natural bits and bobs, from logs and shells, to conkers and plant pots to make their own environment to play in. This quiet corner changed over the day, from a ‘home made’ marble run, to a garden centre shop, to just a space to make patterns and play with ‘things’. What a lovely way to end the term, looking forward to the next one!

The Nursery staff would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for the thoughtful cards and gifts that the team have received over the last few days, your kind wishes are much appreciated by us all. Wishing you all a Happy Christmas, we look forward to seeing you in the New Year.

For further details of the 'fun and goings-on' with Nursery please click on the attached link.

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