Little Crackers

Nursery News

Wow! What a cold week this turned out to be! And what a good job we kept ourselves busy and warm practising for our Nativity, playing in the home corner, exploring the glittery, gooey beans and beginning our Christmas crafts. The glitter is out, the Christmas Tree has been put in position, the displays are changing, our Advent candle has been lit and it really is… beginning to look a lot like Christmas! We are really looking forward to seeing you all, with family and friends on Tuesday morning to watch our Nativity: ‘What a Star!’ Please come early, there will be refreshments in the hall prior to the performance, and it gives us time to get everyone changed and ready! 

This weekend looks like it will be lots of fun, especially if you pop in to say hello at the Crackley Hall Christmas Fair. There will be plenty of exciting things going on and the nursery staff will be on hand to paint your face, do your nails or even give you a glitter tattoo!  Hope to see you there, have a great weekend.

For further details of the 'fun and goings-on' with Nursery please click on the attached link.

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