
RE Book of the Week

Theo Cowlishaw has been awarded RE Book of the Week for two detailed pieces of work. The first piece on baptism showed a spiritual understanding beyond his years, whilst the second offered a super retelling of the Nativity.





Christmas Tree

Thank you to all those who have made a decoration for the tree, our theme this year is ‘One World’. The RE Book of the Week winners went to St Nicholas Church on Thursday to decorate the tree ready for the competition. If you would like to visit the tree, after seeing the pupils singing in the Old High Street tonight, please do as we are all very proud of it. There  is also an opportunity to vote for the best tree! This is a lovely way that we can join the community of Kenilworth in preparing for Christmas.


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First Holy Communion

Next Monday afternoon pupils from Junior 4,5 and 6 who have made their First Holy Communion will visit St Austin’s Church to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

Please could you check that your child has returned the permission slip. Pupils will join a short Reconciliation Service, which will be led by Father Kevin and Father David. This will mark the start of Advent and help the pupils to think about the ways we can prepare spiritually before Christmas.

Parents are also advised that Holy Communion letters have now been sent out to those pupils who have expressed an interest in receiving the Sacrament next year. Please contact the office if you have not yet received a letter.